The Dynamics of Indonesian Politics: A Periodic Review
Philosophy of Politics grew up received liberalism relative more attention from a justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is the system of thought. A theory however must be rejected or revised, because for this reason justice denies that the loss of freedom for some it made a greater good shared by others. Rawls' staying power was that he changed the subject that people who had been squabbling about utilitarianism, he structures a hypothetical choice then he gives many good kinds of information about utilitarianism. This theory impacted soon.
Indonesia an example, 75 years ago, the feudalism of Netherlands and particularly the war of Indonesia succession had a profound effect on politics and economy. By 1987, the situation had apparently still not improved. A group of young reformers submitted a report to the government in which they expressed regret for Indonesia 's reformation.
The constitution is a process of politics, particularly in Indonesia, which began before and after 1945. However, the main domains of that constitution were made from the old Constitution (beforAmendment 1998) of custom of law. This is an alternative in utilitarianism, this is another side we have not read in positive of law ideas.
Consider Rationalism, Hobbs, Marxism, etc. The problem of justice which is it wants to persuade me for the first time from discussion about liberal democratic institutions. Actually the existing political system and the use it to see how they measure up. For that reason, in countries where customs of law have nurtured political freedom, the other branches of the legislature and judiciary are often called on to champion the rights of citizens against executive invasion, but institution history may so vary from one state to another as to place emphasis on respective roles of legislators and judges.
The other background problem inquires whether the constitution is not following the constitution from the Netherlands. Or we have not followed the liberalism of constitutions. Then we adapted to religion, especially Islam than multiculturalism or pluralism of constitutions. One, which we think of the terminology of this course as pluralism, is classical utilitarianism and we might call it objectivist where you make strong interpersonal judgment of utility. As Rawls Says, it does not take seriously the differences in judgment and justice.
Two, I could see this in the problems that we have with the interpersonal do allow interpersonal judgments of liberal constitution. Example we have simply a branch take on theory and philosophy of Pancasila, Pancasila is the basis of philosophy and the basic fundamentals of the state, otherwise we are leaving many books of law and history until now, we only just have access to amendment of law 1998. We not adopt again the structure of the state to interest other cultures from the Netherlands or legal philosophy, moreover the idea of capitalism and communism.
We need a realistic return to theory on some basic resources in society that the state could have blunt impacts. Political philosophy dictates that some thing about the subject matter of this research at its outset this in some ways might seem a case of putting the cart before.
Perhaps which intent address to problems and conflicts and especially about conflict tradition before reformation 1997 years ago. Therefore focused after reformation in 1997 in subject primary discussion about dullness themes in philosophy of politics. I say that study to political constitution must be attention for political philosophy with considering other Problem on legal and constitution.
So the objective problem is it allows people to be used in maximum utility and the proponents of each one tend to make the case for their views mainly by pointing out the demerits of the other view. First, the problems of conflict and tradition mention lives in society. Rawls views the substantive parts of study, not as the contribution of a participant in argumentation to a process of discursive will formation regarding to a basic institution of capitalist society, but outcome of a theory of justice which as an expert is qualified to constrict moral argumentation serves to settle conflicts of action by consensual means.
If the moral argumentation is to produce these kinds of agreement, however here not enough for an individual to reflect on whether it can get an assent to a norm , what is needed is a real process of argumentation in which the individual or concern cooperates like the theory of Lenin about ethics.
The form of constitutions influence some political situations between tradition and conflict in philosophy of politics, learning to know how about general of understanding of constitution, it has been related establish of the powers, to a symbol of freedom which more dimension not only obligation but also its terminology.
The terms of Rechtsschutz Staat and Freiheitsrechts, including which possible changed and not, Term which had changed example positive law and fixed condition of little differentiation that functional change of legal norms and codifications are impossible to change. According to the theory of constitutions, there is a wide variety to study about part of process constitutions. Authority, judgment and individual rights are Terms of liberalism to be involving diversity of location approach, an example of background how about issue and theory of all things in constitutions of liberalism which classical theory doing well capacities in the practical politics and philosophy of constitution. I speak about implementation as well.
Secondly, we shall begin by considering the role of the principles of justice, it is necessary to work out a theory of justice in the light of which these assertions can be interpreted and assessed consider the record of Indonesia. Between pre amendment and post amendment Indonesia was republican. During this period, Indonesian accomplished some reformation.
The principles of the republican constitution were potentially to democracy. Wanting to avoid a repetition of the deliberation of some of their leaders, Indonesia deliberately separated powers and distributed them among various parties and offices. Their offices were elected by assemblies of citizens, for a year at a time.
But I have not speak about that, we found the blue prints of deliberation like as according to Madison (1787) when he told about constitution in America, the constitution which resulted from their deliberations, its effects during atrial of so many years on the prosperity of the people living under it, and the interest it has inspired among the friends of government, its unreasonable interference that a careful and extended report of the proceedings and will be particularly gratifying to the people and to all who take and interest in progress of political science and the course of true in the means of liberty.
In order to understand Rousseau 's relationship to the natural law tradition, whether these writings need to be studied in their right historical contexts, In particular attention should be paid to how natural law theories apply by whom. In this regard, Rousseau most helpful in explaining why reacted the way did to the natural law tradition. Looking to ideology became conflict in values, looks at five of keywords discussing constitutions.
The theory of social contracts in the Constitution states an increase in risks which is connected with the positive of law but also with numerous legal institutions, freedom and contract should probably be mentioned in the first place. First formation of sovereign and absolute political rule, and the consequences were related to political force and its control of law.The background of issues i.e Government, National of Law, Theory of Jurisprudence, Constitutional of Laws, Private or Domestically of Law, a Family of Law, Theory of States, Theory about Government, Court of Law, Judicial Process including about Law Ideas, Common Law Idea, System for Judicial Process, Enforce of Law, Monopoly of Power, Problem of Human Rights, All things part of constitution.
The death of states recovering impacts to the ideas about Republics, it should be destroyed by small community and welfare services issues in the state. Indonesian an example it has issue of community without interferes from state, a condition of ideology community or behavior organization in the religious organization, maybe in civil society like as depending on same cultures as idealism in community of clerics, an example organization of the Islam community as well.
The institution modifies from rational organizations, where law is the principal order of members. Rationality in the rights of ethics is indefinite for individuals, it is a priority to follow the good and the right given simple theory ethics 's final conclusion is some genuine sense of liberalism (society, association, community, city and state)
The theory of liberalism differs from each epistemology. First, liberalism pre independent days ( before 1945 ) defined theory about finite and infinity. Liberalism in new eras (1966-1987) were the forms of philosophy of liberalism in Indonesia methodology. In 1997, the Democrat party changed opinion of liberalism to restore the new liberalism by proposing a reform program to transitions, although it leaves to normative political theory, however this era's methodology of the second model theory of liberalism and justice turned on to ontology and deontology methodology. The ontology is a study which concerns whether it exists. Ontology of politics known as an essential of philosophy theory came from the philosophy of state of nature in the concept of nation with primary narrative based on all evidence from the literature of reviews of the books and history in Indonesian political philosophy also.
Political Philosophy is a problem of the mainstream of political states and nature in politics, it seems philosophy and history about the country to bring and the many problems including issues of political theory. In new decades of the century people like discussing ethics and morals more than political theory. Why? They are taking a reason to make politics and religions more important than law or rules.
Wherever, the constitution has small dreams, situations will arise which dream of people to be good at governance and the modern political system because no one theory of politics was required about theory politics and more perspectives. They only need one issue to understand about political philosophy in practice, and that philosophy has not cleared everything only returning back to questions do the basics of problems. The questions must then be settled, the terms of constitutions perspective might know about legal philosophy of theory. What function should be assigned to which is appropriated? Which authority of politics in the concept of liberalism needs to be preponderance ?
The central authority or local authority, with conflicts or follow tradition in classic constitutions, and finally, the hard question of whether the republic was still useful in this country and had an effective image.
I know that, discussing the constitution is like talking about one block with many question matters inside, history, philosophy, background of states and an authority too, Where it does the philosophy regarding political theory on the spot. For example a description about behavior and tradition in political organization which it divides between tradition and rational meaning. Moreover the process of constitution on theory politics especially in Indonesia before and after 1945 or independent day.
However the principal division founding father creating old constitutions creates its jurisprudence. It has been that between custom law and positive law from theory of politics, that is, between proponents of entirely traditional authority. Because we have not followed the liberalism of constitutions in this country cause multiculturalism problems now behalf from the history of feudalism. People holding many conditions have found yet new compositions and only leaving many books of law or limit theory unfortunately. Indonesia just had access to amendment of law until now.
We can not best adapt the structure of the state to interest in another culture and feudalism from the Netherlands . Moreover, capitalism and communism are spread out in such different patterns. These studies are about problems and conflicts, especially about conflict in the tradition of political philosophy in my country after the reformation in 1997. Therefore culture and history are subject matter primarily to discuss background in these themes on philosophy of politics.
So, I say that the political constitution must pay attention to ethics in political philosophy, sociology and historical problems. Problem of conflicts and traditions live in society, it seeks rational sides and they are going to the track of position beside political religion, perhaps the concentration only political power there not including to the process of decision problem of solving issues politics. We found hidden transaction from politics and decision in contract social each different a regime also, We found mafia draft law too and powerless in the constitutional courts in level, we are seeing everyone's not taken of granted about situation about why the new rules held before communicated by people and constituents.
Once cases of big cases in politics only stop, the process belongs to judicial reviews of constitutional law. Here depends on how much money and argument is sent to the courts level. Rarely was it possible to get neutral of conditions and values of freedom because of dichotomy politics and administration, because an administration of states found a political institution.
Constitutions had influenced some political situations as well as was already said about ethics in public politics before, the political philosophy learned about how general understanding in the constitution has been related to establishing the powers, check and balance or control amend laws.
According to the theory of Constitutions the element of constitution has the most variety to study about politics for constitutions. In liberal constitution, regulations are not more important than authority, judgment and individual rights. classical liberalism to be involved in diversity of policy and central approach. A central political approach just one from particular problems in politics of decentralization. An example Jakarta is on the one subject: people of Indonesia and elites focused elected to secure with how much gap and elites group influenced in parliament.
Madison (1787) said contended conflict in political interest came from conflicts of interest, they were in the nature of society philosophy. Liberalism in social politics has been expressed that conflicts should not be
suppressed without suppressing freedom in another district capacity, or parameters.
Joko Widodo’s the President now where one of the governors in Jakarta was leapt to the presidential candidate by clears easy. OCCRP the last day claim he was corrupted as the final candidates of the man in year 2025. Party on the faction enlarge by the scale each a groups influenced to opinion from a bit person that party of parliament, but on behalf from all of people to formed constitutional state theory and preferences all those type of conflicts occurred from same interesting to powerless as possible as corruption on Democracy.
It knows each other when there are religions of interest and dominance. It involves different characters to understand the constitution. In many samples here I will give illustrations how culture and behavior of politics escalated to fulfill groups characteristics and conflicts of ideology. Rosseau was 5 problems of politics there :
1. Representation
2. Unlimited Extensions
3. Limit Participations
4. Diversity
5. Conflicts
We seek once example in Indonesian constitution, at the moment reach the methodology while it has been interactions and relation between philosophy and politics on tradition then conflicts of culture in country, whereby concept and philosophy about leads of appeared to be subject of many debatable about federalism theories before at 1945 belong first President of Indonesia Soekarno’s (1945) given ideas of capitalism in the book of Das Kapital at 1848 rejected Adam Smith theory about the decline of ethics issues because of the revolution of industry in Asia.
He needs Indonesia to be the center of power or he is called the lion of Asia for example at 1970 st. product cigars in these countries depend on the international market rather than product and distribution from tobacco and rice farmers in Indonesia. Indonesia has a bright economy of market in Asia as well, surplus and significant development industry and politics of bilateral or multilateral.
Economy is a representation from the constitution of the country. Now after 21 centuries this product goes to the international first consumer not only to receive all products from Indonesia but also these quality products. During 30 years more may get licenses from the industry of family corporations like the era of Soeharto (1966) nepotism conducted with China entrepreneurship.
The Constitution of Indonesia was influenced by its history of liberalism and authoritarianism. There was the conflict of interest becoming political conflicts and traditions of legal politics and philosophy which reduced all these mentioned Islamic constitution. LDII or the court of Islamic publicity of Indonesia are part of an organization which it protected from the Soeharto regime to support votes and political campaigns.
Now communism and nationalism again protect the regime reformation era when Jokowi ( Joko Widodo ) is the new President. But this organization includes cult, heresy terrorist organizations in Indonesia, not only muslim community. The terror against the media and social media. Unlimited extensions may be resource counter productive in this regime, But in fact only parts of people consent to appreciate these ideas. They are more intent for conflicts about Islamic states or Islamic secularism. This is a difference when looking at the concept of representation in the constitution in general.
What is the difference between unlimited extension and limited participation. Moslem who claim to be rejecting human rights in international constitutions were impacted from last year's history about the issue of sovereignty states in Moslem worlds.
Depending on these issues blowing up in other countries especially the country has more million people from Islam background. Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, or most countries with Islam majority. They should also reject territorial statues from the policy of America. International trade and moreover financial impacts from Western and Europe's institutions.
Prabowo after declare he is the next President how continue his legacy ‘Keberlanjutan’ or In the context of Prabowo's statements, "keberlanjutan" might Referring to the ability of a political system to maintain and improve the Continuity Highlighting the need for a political system that can withstand challenges and ensure long-term stabilized to explore for clarification the background of secularism and use other sides to put the models of democracy. In the last, the meaning of diversity increased discussion about anti discrimination policy.
Manual, the new contract of politics changed everything at the moment. JJ. Rousseau was said to have given new fetters to the weak and new powers to the rich. This statement counters neutrally liberalism in contrast to politics. It is the least prison condition for people because of the new contract, new politics and new regime.
According to John Rawls (1993) there are two kinds essential first about fundamental principles, specifically on general structure of government and political process, the power of legislature, executive and the judiciary. In the structure of political process Islam which general constitutions follow those concepts hold three dimensions of legislation, execution, and judicial but basically they are focussing on the executive as an institution formally and in a big capacity. Conflicts between religion and law. Conflicts between law and human rights. Conflict between human rights in Islam with freedom of religion. It was not peculiar to Islam as it can be found in the relation to other regions in ideology.
The equal from the basics of rights and liberty of citizenship that majority of legislatures were respectful to such as votes and participated in political liberty of consciences. Liberalism is thought of using associations to express freedom in public. Articulation of politics which wrong education as well as vicious protections the rule of law and understanding of liberalization in the constitution.
The Constitution from the principle of fundamental creation was once democratically implemented by institutions from the country. It has followed certain specific models for each country. They are not immune from historical states certain to forms of history in the last following the jurisprudence and influence from the Netherlands, common law in legal agreement of system as opinion from the constitution of Netherlands inclined answer all problem injuries. Why may be injustice?
We known these history, in long time Indonesia got the imperialism and colonialism more 360 years from deliberation as the country's depend on another country like as Europe. Then existing justiciar are of course considering assertions principle un justiciar in process deliberations.
Each an aggression and the war whereas implication to people considerably on other hand models domain of law and anticipate people to change these situations same with tradition and local tradition.
Indonesia has 80% of the products of civil law from the Netherlands combined with Islam law and common law. But the Indonesian constitution does not have anything.
Sometimes follow American models of liberal constitution, sometimes different. Although one from which it differs. Maybe in the future the conditions of agreement could be the reason from quote roots people have been considered and need liability for the enrichment theory and knowledge, the big scale of once theory of constitution.
But conflict about land and seas, issue of forms of unity from customs law in the customary law is assumed to be explained in the new constitution after independence days. An example Rempang, PIK 2 and Tanggerang split marine fencing.
According to the book from Roots (1987) when the state is admitting that by civil law and common law. But in the case of Indonesia it is not recognized from the structure of law books in KUHP or The Book of Criminal Law from Holland for very inefficient reasons. Legal condition person is distinguished as a rising either from what is an essential from accidental. An example of the culture and tradition in the constitution seems very simple like a culture development system.
States conditions in each country. How people make decisions in how they are habit many years ago taken from whom their founding father. According to the history of the constitution in most countries in Europe the concept of Länder was more influenced by blood and the wars. Land is a sample of constitutions in America and the Netherlands or Germany.
To know about land in the legend of history with Indian conflicts in America, Law of conflict in Netherland so religion issues Yehudi blood destroyed in Hitler regime in Germany.
The civil community of the Netherlands became a smaller community otherwise necessary to give nature and order it to. For example the natural balance of conduct with given sources of the earth, energy and sea uses common rights and open shore belongs to the people in these countries.
This is firstly whether people speak to the public of law authority. Federalist ideas about the smallness of countries. In the philosophy of liberalism, people just know if votes in political elections are finally in the process of politics, for example regional election, election in parliament, so maybe until the problem of President elections. For understanding about democracy but they did not understand themodels of constitution created from history and every country.
Reconstruction of federalism in republican forms held by reform models and states influencing from creation the problems of slogan are stability. It has been considered reliable among regime people of Indonesia. They have not found liberalism in politics and freedom or to be free and control one`s own self in economics, social, and political constitutions.
In the concept of liberalism one secured guarantee about the constitution in the states will have looked from John Rawls book (1933 ) again, he said the doctrine was coming from non political systems, or basic civil rights in economics, social etc.
What is the doctrine in political philosophy, what is related to tradition and conflict in constitutions. These doctrines determine concerns in the original of constitutions. first. Its meaning concerns the compatibility of precedents and original information in the construction of constitution, because under determines the essence of theory from constitution interpretations.
Secondly, concerns to the fundamental system of values while compatibility of original cultures precedents that count are the ones to get the original meaning rights. What different old philosophy of constitution first and second?
in the meaning of process liberalism. Such accounts focus on formulation of liberalism in philosophy and never forget words of liberty. Liberalism seems like two short terms.
The Philosophy neglects views of philosophy and determination of politics with its commitment to human equality, then secondly this philosophy will be open about critics of empiricism moving from problem
individual knowledge and find out the concerning of individual rights and interest.
I think under determinate in concept of doctrine before, to concerns about compatibility under determinant of the texts while it speaks, so under determinate while concern compatibility under determination of the person whom situation from people believe of them.
The doctrine whose name there rejects liberalism of determinations. Thomas L.P. The Law of Plato (1998) States have been the best from the state is one statement from Plato in the book of Republican, start of ideas of Plato about republic in models of states. I think the theory of liberalism models of republics now precise the constitution of the country less as acknowledgement about liberalism of constitutions were known in Plato's ideas.
According to Plato, the republic is naturally divided into five sections. First, concerning to justice, stressing on the moral in character formation individual, then secondly Plato discuss in second book about institutionalism and answer throughout good institution in the states are third sections and fourth in the essence about liberalism while once control as philosopher will bring institution, constitutions should be good in particular terminations. The last or five are issues of justice or the good public of law.
Liberalism not understanding yet about the privilege of freedom of speech in parliament or delegation.In the term of history republican in Indonesia models are still controlling of parliament or executive other sides. In parliament before 1966 the conflicts only occurred to parliament flags and other names, the group outline between two flags as representations are nationalist and Islamic fundamentalist.
Since 1966 years ago multi party reduced 3 parties with presidential model in parliament as a symbol of politics (GOLKAR, PDI and PPP ) economics and state occurred from the central government in Jakarta. Despite its taken the theory decentralization are once aspects to minimalist authority in politics practice but in theory of states this name of republic of models over all are same about centralization in other sectors.
The model of parliament in 1945-1966 different from the model of presidential election in 1966-2014 now, the parliament now more pluralist than creates with instant, only formal procedural to completed administrations standard to get many member supporters from other groups and religion. It has been in strength work on minimizing conflict of interest in downy.
The party was not completely standard to stand up, they are trying to merge with other parties who have the same ideologues. To large extent to freedom meaning, the individual in liberalism is determined by law and politics such as expression in liberty constitution, but freedom might offended of obstructing and assaulting seriously to execution of the institution, like many amounts to considerable limitation the exercise of constitutional freedom in liberalism, example Indonesia.
We reach and seriously look for history of how and what would happen if this went back to zero states and the idea of originally which was the liberalism of the constitution. To have clearing of reviews consider conviction, new federalism theory and republic, to explain more first about coherence theory of gaps federalism regime ( 1955 ), and accept the basic idea about liberalism (2007) or reformations.
Two constitutional regimes on the practice. First, the regime or gaps become from idea of Islamic liberalism, are largest dependent on parts a name of pluralism in community of young Moslem in scholars. According to G.A Cohen (2009) while description about liberalism is turned on intrinsic element from capitalism (freedom and unfreedom).
Cohen said liberty is not values publics in ipso facto but regarding to issues of legitimate. Shared about rights and responsibility in the essence then the problems of group consistent to prove society as one legitimation. I just reviewed if the problem of Cohen here still discusses surrounding proletariat class and these prima facie obligations. He saw the background from Karl Marx about objective position, other hand, I did not see how he continues this theory, how the standard of groups in the proletariat influenced culture; overall it goes to freedom in destiny.
Conflicts politics return for two or more idealism appropriated from liberalism quite able to fact it currents to horizontal conflicts. Violence most destructive of very fundamental ways in thisidea of perfection. In the terms of an independent or powerless. It is counter productive from Rousseau as the philosopher alternative whom we may know about ideas of social contract.
Philosophy's without good constitution violence from injustice with the performance of institutions yet. Rousseau replied those contest action before had been formed, there some no reason for normal progenitors to become permanently attached to constituent so has not recognized as belonging to an opponent of the natural law and ethics public in general theory been often attacked as positive libertarian un neglect terms of fundamental rights virtue of humanity endeavor.
Since that theory remarks both social and private meaning in the concept of contract at the same time elsewhere that any political infringement of rights would be an act of despotism practices beyond the competence of the sovereign circumscribed in the practice of empowerment.
Here theory phenomenology of social justice where phenomena were objects of violence in practices of injuries. The law of nature simply existed. their existence renders them valid and naturally thinks. To be identical from each country and generally objective accepted from human beings. As same as the second though analysts history about Holland constitution in the first case leave of pass constitution
The Socialist communism started early this country to transition eras ( 1966 ). Authoritarianism was refused in the liberal constitution to the future. I think authoritarianism is death in terms of liberal constitutions, and people held those authoritarianism until now. Politics over intervention in other scales like executive, legislative and judicature.
Now it will be probably safety to conclude as result of the perfect history of Indonesian political theory, these country with more wrote history was deleting and doubts that prima facie ( without more ) that condition it does not strictly implication to constitution from true of our history.
The constitution was adopted in 1814 and modified in 1815 resulting from the annexation of Belgium by the Netherlands. Then Indonesia adopted constitution law from the Netherlands before independence in 1945. Until now UUD 45 or the constitutional amendment law has not led to change any more.
According to theory of social contract, Indonesian choose federalism in 1945-1966 in parliament because of conflict in political interest and religion are the statement philosophy of public currently for long history conflicts are separated in these countries, a lot of tradition, culture and different inland in this country too. While as before we were explaining Rousseau 's philosophy of natural law which identity of spiritual and rational most explored philosophy of rights.
The Law and Politics responsibility obligations have been created from the essence of the constitution. I have not gone back to last century's background about ism in philosophy with Aristotelian or Plato ideas about the meaning of good, truth and beauty ( three values on ethics, logics and aesthetic ). And deeply concentrated about liberalism of the constitution or influenced aspects of those problem of states of system.
Philosophy of right’s considered to be the principle of the state has been practiced in the innermost parts of freedom thought in collective approach, not only individual but also people as oneness by individual.
The foundation of right thereby referring to infinite strength vis a vis nature, Rousseau said as the ultimate justification of authority itself as parts of freedom. The general reason is that individuals have unequal rights towards each other. Then rights consider personal things on individualism and not part of constitutions discussion. More high concept have been gotten back from the words made its more responsibility to the rewards how if change constitution with new constitution certainly to indicated there requirement more than pass infrastructure.
Concept of the nature of law indirectly divided both nature problems and law consequences. Otherwise the law of right, decided from law and right, has been implicated by more justification authorities.
According to Hegel`s Philosophy of Right, the concept gratifies a kind natural analogy for the basic concept of freedom. Freedom of the will is fundamental to the concept of the states, because without freedom all properties and rights were not contingent in existence. Stuttgart (1993) said without that liberalism as empty words.
Freedom by its difference with freedom by the process, freedom by idea or self-contained being on this condition, remember about ideas of pure reason and practical reason from Emmanuel Kant. Authority in this sense is the theory of states brought to symbol from implementation of powers.
President as central control of the personal, bringing the system. Over all in the unconscious system all going on. Once again President as nation authoritarianism same as name a personal authoritarianism. Constitutional liberalism in personal authoritarianism is death.
The Constitution may be elevate society rather than individual meaning but at the same time we know who is named of the President as a symbol, he has a control over interpretation in all of the country's issues. How about the question if this right of political power is nothingness? Could you think of another symbol of the president? Or authority of symbols? I call this theory the zero zone of the states.
Hegel takes an idea of this in the state between identity state ( civet res public-a ) and civil society ( societies cavils ).The identity of terminology the constitution had been the institution power of civil authority, then in civil society there was a non government society which justified a class a state from postulates of equal individuality in natural rights.
Idea of civil society came from the reproduction concept of Islam also since prophet Muhammad moved on to Modena, he brought all followers out of Makkah to Madina and started to Islam expenses, he calls civil society as the people of Madani. The society of civil society is smaller with smaller cities and has a plural community. Political society can be nor subsystem, without having in itself the power to preserve the property, punish the offense of all those of that society, every once of the members hath quitted the natural power resigned it up into hands of the community, in all cases that exclude him not appealing for protection to the law established by it.
According to John Lock basic ideas of civic, the society became of commonwealth society background.Robert N Bella, an example in the Good Society then Francis Fukuyama in the book the End of History and the Last Man were predicting the same ideas about common wealth and good society as the target of people independent depend on politics and institutions in global modern issues.
Rationality is a rights leaved ethics and indefinite of individual rights. It had priority in rights implementations, following grand ideas from R.B. Brand, the good and the right gave a simple theory as well as final conclusion some genuine sense of liberalism ( society, association, community, city and state ) but one more they were not called once alternative of methodology how the system of values near perfection approached indeed.
The system in many countries as same as Indonesia has a system of constitutions, it adapts from other constitutions and theory in another's. Most adaptations in liberalism contexts as people doing criticisms from John Locke, this writer's argument has found it more useful than originally characteristic in my country. This is the description right in specific orientation.
To begin with, the concept of freedom always gets negative signal sentences from a fundamental perspective. They think liberalism will be a destructive permanent system and last regime and theories. Theory in philosophy of politics has created the new doctrine which must mean that shape formulation ideas reformulation allowing special characters.
Indonesia even adapted Islamic of law from Jakarta charter ( 1945 ), then now in reformation eras beginning 1992 or before these issued back into different names and many names. Politics adaptation or political installation is a new model liberalism and global information study like as theme no viral no justice.
The Constitution is the basic design of the structure and powers in the state. The rights and duties of its citizens' constitution have different meanings about constitutionalism. Constitutionalism just ism or thought about the model of states concerned with how government or power must be used. Constitutionalism in the term of politics there appears to be freedom as the consequence of certain legal political situations. Because the constitution is a supreme law and contains a list of judicially enforceable rights then. I think learning the constitution might start with resources of the constitution.
Including there are the forms of legislation. Indonesia should have 6 forms of legislation in the rule of law. To know about the concept of Indonesian in the historical tradition of constitution liberal, we must get one sample in the draft bill of rights and amendment which appreciated how the concept of liberalism evolved. When Indonesia follows a soft bicameral system, it is legislative.
The debate reflected three strains of opinion about the forms of the new Indonesia should take among integral authoritarian, liberal democratic and Islamic in pluralism. The fourth opinion favors a Marxist state.
But it was effectively wiped out by the purge of the mind in the 1960s. It has not since been revived. At least not mean stream of politics. Integral authoritarianism became acknowledged about totalitarian constitutions. I look at one approach among authoritarianism with totalitarianism. They are rendering to one managerial expanded powerless.
Totalitarianism for politics is a political system where the states are usually under the power of single political recognition. No limit to authority and strive regards for one commando in politics. Indonesia after colonialism became authoritarianism integral as basic security in constitutions. Then Islamic democratic of constitution took those opportunities to change symbols in an authority.
This commando is rarely not held by the President from the result of political elections, but moreover from people surrounding the party who support him as a candidate. Conflicts in grass root people rarely come from region reductions from constituted morals who bring out rightly nature, concern to take upon itself or sacrifice which inclination ever make to duty. But almost all countries especially attempt to political Islam its powerlessness as the most evil passion of human nature. Powerlessness over others coercion and compulsion any powers other than that of un ethics and intellectual influences. Even in the case where indispensable there is a share and in all other a curse.
Totalitarianism is a political system where the state, usually under the power of a single political person, faction or class recognizes from no limit an authority. In Indonesia majority political people look like non government recurrent orders from people of groups in civil society. They are more community like as civil society, religion community rejected all policy current from liberalism policy. They think liberalism is anti humanist. Then otherwise pro humanist modern hitherto critique to liberal and humanist too.
Because of modern humanists especially in urban countries in filtered capitalism socialist may from whom concern individual profits oriented too. The traditionalist humanists have not agreed to legal corporations where they are stopping in idealism aristocrats and neglect development of the state with industry factories.
What is the difference between modern humanist and humanist in constitutions ? In the constitutions it clears while product of law made from people of needs, button up drafting released because of under pressured from politics in underground, example Porn of draft in legal at 2008 years and recharge draft of Family legal in marriages law about KUHP (the book of compilation rule of penal law) 1974 years.
Two products of representative in law from two drafts of legal differences from decisions views. Firstly draft of Porn 2008 years are issues in publics, they are more interfere politics and values in Islam party and groups. The standard issues while they are coming from up to down rarely firstly issues from MUI (the council as government politics held assistance). Sometimes they maintain natural people needing rules but sometimes they as institutions maintain society must obey the government.
Modern humanist critique for liberalism because of application about liberalism for now, never protected libertarian from understanding philosophy, example. Communism in philosophy is an antagonistic problem that socialism has grown up in my country, it winds and storms of influencing contemporary ideas from modernist capitalism and dialectical materialism where it concentrates on material mechanism and money.
Problems of corruption in Indonesia also recently from dialectical materialism and contemporary politics, society and ideas too. Two years later the draft of the law was created about corruption and KPK ( commission for against corruption ) more with conflicts politics and conflicts of interest too.
From religion community once sides, this draft most useful and profitable from their virtues I means related of concept humanist term in above. And we know in parliament 78% are Islam party and Islamic backgrounds study. From activists as feminism on other sides they have not sufficiently supported these policies and drafted rules where the rule is more in respect with.
As individuals the authority and independence of individuals are too much an absolute value to admit the state to a positive rules. In addition, individual accepted humanists had pulled down all the problems of society as well. Dialectical liberalism depends on how much the rights and responsibility have been equal or compromises.
Once the question of the nation`s constitution characters developed from those countries maybe had a different perception, but once time and community forced these conditions and used religion to
support many ideas. Three central values must in any event be mentioned, in respective of how theymay assume concrete forms, personal liberty, social pluralism and political constitutionalism.
However personal liberty is different from freedom as an attitude of group, personality or politics. Personal liberty closing moral or ethics where assume values that are human rights and independent of their entity. Values form from liberty roles concurrent with human beings while they look like themselves.
Substantively, many other Islam of constitution are sharp to insert in prison of social and individual liberalism. How do people have no value of liberty? Liberty is a symbol of human rights. They are proven between external values and internal values. Personal liberty has people find new hopes and democracy. People used liberty to access relations with people.
Secondly about values of social pluralism. Pluralism current between the gap of neutral liberal values conditions and agreement motive. Firstly once groups or states were recurrent from liberty ideas in human life in these countries and different people about interest and won it or different religion background. Levels of individual liberty with highly shouldered impacts from adherent communities of religion were higher than restricting individual liberty to forfeit tolerance to each other.
They are back to focused pluralism as one values to resolve the problem of difference. Constitution allowing liberalism of Constitution created of features which multiculturalism and hyper-culture. We can not see one character's dominance in the state where authority depends on powerlessness. Among these capacities in authority not only influence from people directly but also human rights autonomy, they have minimal social impact to regions on other sides.
Pluralism was more discus and was written by other scholars. I think only discussion of religion to the concept of pluralism has gotten well in discourse, especially pluralism which recurrent from the idea of liberalism. Liberal states may sometimes have to decide whether or how tolerant non liberal practice or forms of life within the state is. Pluralism is bound politically by liberalism as a limiting and enabling the neutrality case. Pluralism also indicates liberalism as tending to promote the subtitles lest those lives ( perfection's case ). However these conditions have no reality with the culture and tradition in my country. Indonesia looks at pluralism as an impact of conditions from authoritarianism and monism from a religious perspective about un-liberalism which does not like tolerances and heterogeneity.
They are more focused on multiculturalism where the culture receives more attention than other factors in politics. In Papua the tradition is univocal from people who have they choose someone while they depend on all material decision and policy in this region moreover about who is who votes and the name recurrent and follow could be given in the election.
Sometimes people do not agree when the pemangku adat ( lead of region political contract with custom law ) in Papua, NTB, Aceh and other provinces in Indonesia for example does capacity as delegate of the election system. Because their politics and policy about number and name of candidacy, they must pay a lot of money to change the accumulation of decisions that these names have brought with other names as well. This way a value of social pluralism is part of right philosophy, same as individuals libertarian. Liberalism of theory is different to the meaning of each era in this country, first, liberalism pre independent days to understanding as theory finite and infinity.
Liberalism new eras are economic methodology philosophy of liberalism than in the last in reform eras liberalism in Indonesia more understanding of pluralism and multiple cultures politics then. Al though it leaves to normative political theory the question of what ultimately is good and bad. However the methodology predicts too once model in political liberalism development in the country.
From the literature and empirical domain and with consideration of the research question following hypothesis theory, an example of a formulate one party system can be done by aid of dialectical ideology which facilitates a revolution in multi party system. Even though the formalization, namely among same ideology or they have not again from one ideology, which are they called regardless of the ought validity of all common moral ideology, its binding nature is autonomous and independent of any agreement and non agreement with the critique is an attempt to define the nature and possibility of freedoms.
The Constitution of state increases risks which are connected with the law but also with numerous legal institutions, freedom and contract should probably be mentioned in the formation of sovereign and absolute political rule.
It would like consequences related to political force and its control of law in ideology. In 1997 religion sects NU and Muhammadiyah were big names organizations who they delegate conflict of interest in politics and authorities. After 2004, President candidate SBY was reducing conflict of ideology to individualism, these themes will happen with another conflict in political ideology. But 10 years belong Jokowi regime the reborn political identities more than ideology.
Government and authority are not only individualist representations but also who is powerful in charismatic and political image. Political parties are the most important to modern democratic states. They are not the scene of the power of each other. That the simplest and most straightforward reason for reading flow political practices are important.
No modern democracy has been made to work with many parties in the state, really causing problems to the process of learning about democracy and people maturing. Example America, there are only two major parties Democrat and Republican party states. Indonesia has more two parties and under new labels acquire power and share issues.
It would be not well and impossible established a good democracy especially to each country with a lower process of democracy and liberalism. In other words, during reformation or post president election 2014 people who do not have collective action issues in the party, weak party because of the changes to the personal resources politics in social media or lovers and haters of Jokowi.
Before this era people were influenced by extreme loyalists, but now opposition considers belonging to two name elites only. For that reason why all parties in parliament still fit as democratic improvement. Indeed, merely condition what a party has concepts. These conditions had not cleared in the face of party alignments. Struggling members of the party and organization. Example Indonesia has not called the Islamic party but common issues and war of politics always current for Islam and not Islam, communism and not communism, etc. Some have become long histories and strongly hierarchical structures where the elitism or lead of parties in organization have different rules and authorities.
Many communist party in other country like as Europe, became organization and party were organized around cells, were not necessarily based on under people status levels social background, but rather on an occupational basis’s communist parties basis in Indonesia were less orientation towards the counter paradigm syndrome of nationalism. So liberal democratic parties in 1966 seem contra-productive with the government and president, but now communist parties have not improved vulgar participation in most parties and only clear they have improved as movement people of powers and issues of centralism in Jakarta.
There are several reasons which will be explained further about change of state in general. Included of parties, constitution and element of democratic in Indonesia rapidly growth of political situation including Jakarta of political central of elite created entirely big problems of shareholder and cross dimension in politics that often caused severe instability and cyclic recurrences of liberalism in contexts social and politics.
Indonesia imagine have new Kapital cities IKN but until now no regulation yet there forma implication of all these problems in district and province issues civilians By the ways in which human behavior is structured and organized. I have empathized with these facts about living in social groups. It's an attribute of human beings. They also are characterized by systematic social relationships which serve individuals to maintain the group and many regulations to protect when policy and power have accommodated everything in the powerless to create some form of monopoly and policy.
An example two classes of society. First, ideology stresses the importance of economic development and various kinds of institutions and that seems to be not, two facts that they one was capable of action and the fact that they are social capacity to be an acting subject implies the capacity to direct one’s behavior by processing of information. That is practical information (goal, norms, preference) and description information (awareness of orientation, causal law) into practical decisions that direct the action being taken.
Upon this basis, I was able to formulate a formal process theory of action. That can be applied as well to action leads to acknowledgement of the interdependence between actions of individuals and society. This interdependence is acted out in institutions which are nothing other than frameworks for action. The other are environmental and cultural disasters after too much APBN focus to this.
Freedom is purely a human accomplishment but a divine gift that conveys profound responsibility upon the recipient. Freedom of politics actually in articulation of politics creates opportunities to simultaneously guarantee that each group accounts for the actions publicly, but today it requires the principle differences with common organization of politics. People are not against being responsible for principle equations. They take the attitude of the majority that should be based on the right or the same rights. Communities of character depend on the majority of the security, pressure or delegation, authority, rationality of progress etc.
Every time abroad the big course we will ask our thinking will not be stopping in the middle of the modern terminal electoral system. The party's system does not produce a government that is controlled simply by elites' class and status but in the process of participation. The essential issues are the power flows from the dominant sectors in society. As part of this low class people of class. But the rich people and dignified high power are running against the overwhelming influence of the process of making decisions for the modern electoral system analyst officer. A party system does not produce a government that is controlled by the elite of simple class and state.
The Constitution of liberal generally discusses the constitution style system of federalism. It is interesting to discuss federalism.The doctrines that the distributions of political power will tend to share power in the modern political system. These issues posed in questions have several ramifications which are federal to state and craft the concept of republic more centrist than unity in federalist theory. The structure not only has necessarily influenced the area but also about sharing of powers.
These issues grew up with the issue of communism greatly developed and open in the current Jokowi regime. Compared with the previous administration, even in the Soekarno’s era understanding communism was only part of intellectuals and some groups that followed Soekarno’s at the time during the Soekarno regime. The problem of communism was not solved because some thought of the word of communism began to recede with the fall of socialism and capitalism that are forecast to experience a breakdown.
Under conditions of developing countries in general critics of politics, government are reasonable. They are more critics in the small scales of policy and that any cumulation of powers not counterbalanced by independent powers.
This condition does not occur in Indonesia that the majority of political understanding was still a circuitous matter of power politics and the type of state ideology. Even phobia about communism and the issue of federalism are contagious labor activists and observers of labor groups. Labor activists should have precisely the position that benefits when they are thinking about communism being revived.
Let us understand the history of communism together, that idea of communism can’t be separated from the first ideas of Karl Marx on criticism of the Goethe Program. The real discussion about Grundrisse became a heated discussion at the time about public labors affecting road construction, private enterprise similarly, the discussion of communism trying to restore and an effort to destination countries where under communism knowledge the government has different functions and will exist. It seems this is the rationale of a preference for federalism and for local liberties, the assumption being that Leviathan’s grip is weaker when its Skelton was left.
If the government at the center is dictatorial, it is obvious that local parties became a medium for criticism and local government a vehicle for opposition. Things we can look at why the indecision political direction at the time of Jokowi is the number of new entrants in the political world.
The theory of communism and liberalism are issues in partial.The most familiar is the distinction between unitary state and federal patterns expressed by community in the former of institutions that were organized on two levels: a national and local. But federal patterns have three levels, federal state, federal local and state local not only national and local or comprising both urban and rural authorities. Federal systems are thus more legalistic, jurisdiction minded and slower to act. I should also like to think that why in decision political direction at the Jokowi are more explicit than president former of entrance in politics.
Under his lead communism and like realism founded a crucial question:
1.The Basis of issues about distinguishing superstructure and structure of economics as a form of relationship is effective in controls, any way the legal structure in the terms are dependent on the interest of class domination in the country.
2. The concept of autonomy in the state is more distrustful in principle of political economics and production aims. It is important to question if state revenue in the system is not significant to developing economical strength.
3. Communist ideologies are the third and issue whether issues that arise from ideological communist are contradiction the understanding of communism from Karl Marx.
Indonesia seem follow the capitalist ideology rather than socialist communism than follow revolutionary methodology Marxism on Goethe revolution programs. Communism in Germany whatever its same revolution against the absolute monarchy. They are not using revolution to attack or move bourgeois to anti bourgeois roughly before 18th century revolutionaries conducted a compromise.
Engels's thought has entered a period of development of capitalism which supported communism from 1848. To return issues of public welfare, public salute etc. Marxism's revolution triggered the central theme in the work of alienation, economic crisis, exploitation and contradiction between forces and the relationship production in communist society.
Communism in Indonesia is doing precisely the revolution rests on the issue of religion especially Islam background of these movements become the culture of our nation rigidly and stubbornly so that the right or left atheism is meaningful from ideology of extremis of genesis.
People always gripped by fear and latent danger of communism became a ghost that haunts. Germans saw Marxist clearly, the relationship between capitalism and socialism expressed from individuals of dialectical history. The balance of a third force would fight the ruling class and transfer powers because the bourgeoisie does not follow the state interfering aspects of private interest. In order to be more powerful. Certain’s compete with the economy in the country.
But communist workers were losing their jobs due impact to revolution is the insistence on taking advantage of goals without ambition in communism.
A review of some contrasted types will make these points clearest. Indonesia is a democratic state whose structure is both unitary and centralized. Even the structure of the state designed to avoid excessive centralization, it is impossible to determine the best fiction of powers without certainties.
Before commenting on the more important theory of federalism and why it was made, I will describe the concept of communism presented in the statement above as how it shows the geometric relationship communism thinking correctly, according to the thought of Karl Marx on the Goethe Program Strategy. Discussion over communism of Marx described by Stanley more called the revolution of minority and majority on the revolution, reform strategies and competing systems.
Criticism of the Goethe program rejected the idea of Lassalean's. To be against socialism where the differences between Marx and Lassalean were necessary to maintain a porto dorelian. The view is that
revolution necessarily is. Idea of capitalism actually Karl Marx has been found in the implementation of ideal institutions which are concerned about the problem of production and distribution on the structured utopia that both issue capitalism or communism society.
Everything is the right choice to implement other forms of market socialism to decentralized markets. Communism is only a generalization of the relationship between private and property. Destroying all forms of private property in the Goethe program is currently a communist society. Because capitalism can no longer be prevented from concepts respectful to economics.
Yet this early mortality and intellectually stamped marks to old society appeared at any time. Karl Polayi concluded that communism is simply that good circulation of the community who based on Authority subsistence organized the transformation of the market, planning and reciprocity observation on the theology of
three elements of the system of type in the system and society:
1. For general cost of administration.
2. For the common satisfaction of need.
3. For the fund of reviews those unable to work.
Rawls explicitly assumes for the sake of theory that society is well ordering a society in which first everyone accepts the same principles of justice and the second basic institutions generally satisfy and are generally known to satisfy these principles. Though society is well ordered it is characterized by both an identity and conflict interest. Principles of justice are therefore needed to provide a way of assigning rights and duties in the basic institutions of society.
John Rawls ‘s liberalism is built upon the modern ideas of freedom and equality. In political liberalism, the concept of justice is not part of any comprehensive doctrine but strictly political, which leads to the problem of the foundation of political liberalism. One might wonder whether a return to a comprehensive theory is. Rawls repeatedly emphasized that the difference principle of mutual benefit is not supposed to benefit exclusively the worst of but everybody in society. Thus it does express a conception of reciprocity further it provides an interpretation of the principle of liberalism.
Indonesia has been symbolized as a centralist utopia, where all the policies remain centralized to the central
government in one city of the capital , Jakarta. So that Indonesia is an archipelago separately and very dynamic on the issue of integration, local communities issues, and communication in verbal as articulation of politics about decentralization that could bridge the ideas federalist in this theoretical
direction becomes ineffective as well. Foundation impacts on political economics.
For example of the many refusals development projects that have been 99% implemented, such as the reclamation project, the train, speed train, monorail, several toll road projects than the constitution a part of political process. In the contexts the political process.
Americans history thought of federalism also refer to the history of thought institutions that may be more varied and suitable in political developments because in this country they are very liberal. Examples of the death penalty, Indonesia is a country that consistently enforces this cruel punishment, as a form of liberalism, human rights, but the right to kill themselves is still being debatable. Then the question of direct elections, here also a part of a liberal constitution.
Another example is the essence of judicial review and the constitutional court. Which still follows pre-liberal as well. The Indonesian constitution is considered to follow the style of constitutional federalism, or even constitutional liberalism. I assume a compilation of Islamic law is the legal form of political adaptation to religion, especially Islam. Indonesia also received a mixed marriage law? Only who have same-sex marriage is legal only. That's why I mean we have to follow unconsciously but consciously reject liberalism.
Federalism which is certain to contexts, not only the politics but also about the constitution. Indonesia wears under terminology while return to the reality of pluralism and classical utilitarianism that was mostly done by local officials when taking the policy, nearly the district of regulation (PERDA) conducted as according to taste of local officials, even local officials level regents can arbitrary change the symbol of the area, separating or uniting district or the village only in the context of budgetary efficiency considerations areas. Well, the area has been deemed ready for separation and locality. A special federalist like shape American commonwealth mixed with the theory of federalism in Europe in the United Republic of Indonesia which does not undermine the unity of the republic of Indonesia.
In objectivism which makes assessment of the utility of strong interpersonal freedom of local authorities such as the example above in the context of Rawls's thinking. Furthermore it has to take seriously the differences between judgment and justice in constitutional philosophy that saw all problems allow assessment of interpersonal liberal constitution. For example we have just taken the branch theory and philosophy of Pancasila? If we left a lot of law and history books until now, then just access to legal amendments in 1998. We are not adapt any more structure of the state for the benefit of another culture from the Netherlands legal philosophy, ideas, and let alone separation between capitalism and communism. Autocratic was the idea of federalism with the idea pre-liberalism.
We want to go back to the theory of federalism on some basic resources in the community that could have a blunt impact on the political philosophy of those who see things that have not changed in a matter of tradition and conflict. Therefore, the focus of reforms in 1997 after a major discussion reformer simply overthrew the new order to the roots, and it is regarded as a dull theme in the political philosophy of the Indonesian nation.
Even the fear of zombies that penetrated to the corner of the corner and social media with anti federalism as jargon. The study of the political constitution must pay attention to political philosophy by considering other issues on the norms of law are things that can not be abandoned, allowing people to use any form of maximum utility from their respective supporters are likely to make the case of the issue of federalism be bias by communist ideology or socialist economics furthermore.
Their views especially by appointing the loss of another view. First, the problem of conflict and traditions of unity mention a single unified area and autocratic rule in the society, especially political philosophy Second, Rawls looked upon substantive study of federalism, liberalism not as a contribution in the argument about the formation of discursive will of the basic institutions of capitalist society, but the results of the theory of justice that is deployed to limit the moral also.
The arguments which serve to resolve conflicts and act by consensus. If the moral argument to produce an agreement, politics or political contract, it is not enough for people to contemplate whether he could consent normative, what is needed to a real process of argumentation in which individuals, institutions and relevant political between one region and other regions in the country federation join together.
According to the theory of the constitution, the most diverse way to learn about the parts of the process in the constitution is authority, assessment and individual rights. In classical liberalism mentioned might engage with the diversity of approaches, locations, sample accuracy of human resources. The problem is desolate areas may be areas that do not only need the justice ministry and especially welfare but also need the expression of democratization.
Madison (1787) holds the Constitution in America, the constitution resulting from the discussion that the impact over the years affected the prosperity of its people. Federalism that has been inspired from the American government, disturbance which makes no sense that can influence the policy process of people who take advantage of advanced political science. Rousseau in the tradition of law and the constitution wrote to :
1. No Government of functions.
2. The business of distribution of matter does not afford any room domination.
3. The election has been nothing of its present from political characters.
Ideology that became a conflict of values, looks can discuss the constitution of aspects such as the representation of social contract theory, finite existence, limiting participation, local diversity and final conflict.
The death of the state can come from a country's impact of ideas on the republic who do not want to grow, even denying as it does consider that the people do not necessarily speak. All criticism postcolonial thinking, really they are subaltern it speaks? The poor man who asks?
Indonesia has severe problems in the political problems of development, that often they are forgotten. The issue of communism greatly developed and opened in the current era, Jokowi. Compared with the previous administration, even in the era of Soekarno, communism was understood only by the intellectuals and some groups that followed Sukarno thought, at that time. During the Soeharto these problems were not solved, because at that time some thought world communism began to recede by fall of socialism and capitalism that is forecast to experience a breakdown down it was at its peak in the year.
If it's plainly obvious, the political problem of this nation suffered a setback very great theoretically. One could even say intellectuals have failed to transform knowledge that belongs to the general public. People are increasingly blind and ignorant about communism thoughts and hallucinations.
People are experiencing great hesitancy to change because it already dominates the profile of a president, and most people do not dare to feel more prominent than the rulers. At present the condition of a President who his not so have the power strong due to be covered by the hegemony of supporters, the more over show up than the head of state who is relaxed and lack of political communication, which can bring magnitude masses who spontaneously and immeasurable entry charismatic into rational characteristic as disclosed by Weber.
I find are more criticisms in the scale of policy alternatives. This condition does not
occur in Indonesia that the majority of politics was understanding. It was still a circuitous matter of power politics and the type of state ideology. Even phobia about Communism is contagious labor activists and observers of labor groups. Labor activists should have precisely the position that benefits.
Let us understand the history together, that the idea of communism can not be separated from the first ideas of Karl Marx on criticism of the Goethe programs. How real discussion about Grundrisse became a heated discussion at the time about public
work, the current instance is affected by road construction, private enterprises. Similarly, the discussion of communism in the political sector as discussed about communist. They try to restore an effort to destination countries where under communism think and differentiated knowledge of government administrative functions and functions that will exist.
Things we can look at why the indecision political direction at the time of Jokowi is the number of new entrants in the political world, especially among academics that was under the spotlight since of talking, talks about the theory of communism and liberalism is still a piece and surrounding issues:
The first issue is about the basic question of distinguishing between the superstructure and the economic structure as defined as a form of relationship that is effective in control. Anyway, changing the legal structure in terms of the economy is a very dependent interest in the class domination which was won by minorities. The concept of autonomy of the state, narrowed to the question there like specific concept, more destructive or damaging of thought and principle in politics.
This turns the question back only aims to question the state revenue only, not to the system that is permanent and significant for developing an economic strength of the other side. And the most bizarre is that the third issue, this issue is that the communist ideology was contradictory and far away from understanding the communism of ideology.
Indonesian communism and some countries are doing precisely the revolution rests on the issue of religion and the destruction of religion, especially Islam. Anomalies background of this movement by the culture of our nation is stubborn, so that the right and left understood between Islamic extremists and atheists, never to be capitalists or socialism.
The genesis of the anti-sub version of law and the country is also a very meaningful ideology of destruction. People are always gripped by fear and the latent danger of communism becomes a ghost that haunts. Communism is the doctrine as well as the
resignation of state and political ignorance caused by our own, which has been misunderstood.
Furthermore, communism gave a basic understanding of the rational communist ideology which was in keeping with a book that was written by the original text of Karl Marx, I hope in the future there will
be no question of a politicization into a ball of fire that breaks up the unity of Indonesia.
Now, the economic crisis, exploitation and contradiction between the productive forces and the relationship outcomes from any problems. And workers could lose their jobs as a result advantage of the goals.
Without ambition it will make predictions not quickly implemented. The rise of the elite locally in several regions in the era now caused by the attitude of pragmatism that is made by the central government, especially in Jakarta so that the public is preoccupied by the issue of partial and insignificant issues, compared to national and even international issues. The elite role of local diversity, no reply at any time using social media with every day promoting wealth of its local.
I would like the story of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, all the leaders of this country must have come from the descendants of the King of Kings. While the President is now truly created from the symbol of commoners, merchants, groups and entrepreneurs. It is easy said that he was born purely of wood instead of the bead family. So when the presidential inauguration in Jakarta was inducted with chariot horse riding by some observers as a symbol of return ( ruwatan ) supernatural beings raised in rank order were saved.
Here it appears the inconsistency in history. People who are ready to accept socialism while Presidents become proletariat groups and people who feel that the election will be an error condition. Many things form policies derived from a managerial rather than visionary, in spite of the general public in the vision and mission that already includes. But it is undeniable so many years of development in Indonesia have little influence on the third level and the four principles of development. In designing the master plan and Development studies, it seems less systematic and integral.
As an example the cooperation of the Indonesian government which was initiated by the President with China’s bilateral relations. Options China as a partner, certainly not an option that smart and that a rational consideration in the development study. These considerations are more toward pragmatic considerations of mere political frustrations. Because people know China is interfering with the constitution and issue of unity of nation, supposedly like when the US and Australia threaten the sovereignty of the state. Moreover, although it is believed to be facts as historically that China is always double-edged with a model who is very rude in colonizing other nations. I still remember the battle of Nanking entrant in nine wars that was the world's most ruthless and cunning undertaken by China.
So the theories and analysis of measures taken by the president did not sign for the thousand trillionth of economic and policy considerations.The world was in turmoil in the global economic crisis, and the agreement with China is not considered profitable. Some mass media has been circulating in Europe since 2015 until 2025 China's economy is already faltering, but Indonesia is still strange doing some economic activities.
America by winning Trump depressed to raise interest rates and struggling with the influx of refugees especially from Asian. The hyper optimistic in the country, which only legitimize the powers in, the global economy by slogan American great again.
These countries tried to switch off and take this into consideration when trying to backed wisely, being an agent of political economic sacrifice. However, I do not see this as a sign of economic decline if we want to quickly hurried out of the old policy, the consequences of Indonesian’s global political transition to an economic model.
On my opinion the application of independence of political autonomy without looking for the face to politics in Jakarta, would be good for the development of an embryo that the city-state ideas. is most that the tactic of economic no longer suited to current conditions. Thus they wrote, under pretense of democracy in economy lies in labor rights, but actually any terms actual captured image remains the same, they have not found a recipe and a new theory that exceed the magnitude of capitalism.
However, they measured by the duration, and the working time held the standard at weeks, days, and hours. Some people might think that the value of a commodity is determined by the quantity of labor spent on it. Moreover, as a worker in Indonesia. The meaning of a commodity is compared because more time would be required in its production. Labor, which forms the substance of value, is homogeneous of human labor, labor issued a similarly issued a thousand chance of getting workers whom they are most cheaper. Total strength of society, which is manifested in a total value of all commodities produced by society, as well as they get a chance back. But not for homogeneous human labor, they are still regarded as employees of the factory which is cheap and readily available.
Dynamically political land on the national issues 100 days of Prabowo Government goes property relations in the past have continued to be targeted as a result of historical conditions. In the context of Nepotism impact to Gibran existence against ethics and political constitution thought any remains coercive, depriving who is more homogeneous, plentiful and cheap in an amateur compromise. The ambition then hereditarily became of political dynasty, if we read history of the crisis of confidence in the form of a unitary state, for example, also backed by the corrupt states.
People of Asia, especially living below the poverty line, and very alarming, the distance between which is poor and who is rich as the earth and the sky, even we know, the rich people of Indonesia may exceed those of other rich people hemisphere. Unlimited wealth is owned by only a handful of people, and has the power ambitions of eminence. Indonesia's rich people, the richer the more voracious, while out there getting rich they are getting a lot of building profit institutions to help other countries.
America is part of Anglo American history which has an ancient historical resilient population, political landlords everywhere, not only in Indian issues but also in others. America's most large migrating population is California before England and France come soon. A country that is very narrow but populous, such as movie film alien that I watched, American as an alien who lost a place to live and find the earth as a second planet to be taken and its host, all of them, not just the air, they also perform mutation secretly so that it become a powerful colony in the world of alien movies. Alien are symbolic political games that make the world feel threatened, but the threat never seems full of mystery, because only the US government alone illegal migration.
On the last words my article I order knowledge about how Indonesian bit thinking’s they pretty much have different People have restricting of freedom became a symbol of a guided economy, led by the power only in the politics of development.
Once a concrete example of this I can see, none of the biggest shareholders in the '80s are not controlled by the family of America of controlling China about mega projects and the dollar USA raised in stock markets caused by the attitude of the employers who did exchange and sale of shares unless they got government's programs supplied And vice versa. While at the present time may hope better political issues.