Built of Green Environment

Paleontology of Agricultural Agreement in Development Country (ThePerspective Technology and Archetypal Built of Green Environment)

In the course of the last two decades, important change have taken place in the world economy. Accelerated growth and significant structural change in world trade and investment flows introduced into the scene a new element called multinational or transnational companies, in certain aspects, stronger than any one government. Multinational companies think multinationally and analyze problem in global scale whereby national boundaries are flattened if now wiped out. In fact their strategy is based on the global issues about code conduct for establishing the general principles of activities in developing countries such as not to intervene in the internal affair of host states. There are two dead end in the field of relationship between multinational companies and developing countries are the dominance of multinational companies over the economies of developing countries and the secondly the nationalization of multinational companies by the developing countries in which they are operating .

Paleontology of Agricultural Agreement in Development Country ( The Perspective Technology and Archetypal Built of Green Environment )The new imperative which arises from this new cosmology provides the basis for our symbiotic interaction with ecological habitats, with other cultures and civilizations, with other people, with the cosmos at large. Suggested here is a generative structure which applied imaginatively, intelligently and remorselessly may produce specific consequences and guidelines for everyday action. According to a poet there is a chasm will require patience, application and pain which are unavoidable when we rearrange the existing order of things. The ecological habitat has become a subject of concern, we often find it is a form of distinguished instrumentalism.

The ecological ethics often find that we should take care of the ecological habitat because it takes care of us. It is counterproductive for us to destroy it, therefore we should preserve it. It is in short a principle of good management to take good care our resources. It thus becomes an instrumental ethics. For industrial civilization achieves its economic success by imposing common values on built Environment its capitalist and socialist characters. There is the values of the self evident important of efficiency, with its tendency to subordinate the optimum human scale of things to to the optimum technical scale. There is the values of the need to Environmental consequences of an un thinking pillage of nature. There is the values of the priority of the production itself. Visible in the care both systems lavish on technical virtuosity and the indifference with which both look upon aesthetic aspects of life.

The idea of the cultural apparatus is an attempt to understand human affairs from standpoints of the role within them of reason, technique and sensibility. The designer are creator and a critic, that he represents the sensibilities of man as a maker of material objects before which he stands delighted and which they are delighted to use. As ideal and as practice, its possible to derive all that the designer ought to stand for socially and politically economically. As ideal craftsmanship stands for the creative nature of work and or for the central of work in human development as a whole. 

However as men and women develop technics of one kind or another to obtain greater environment control, they make possible a move towards a more advanced level of societal organization and as consequence, the lower level assumes responsibility for purpose and direction. This occur with a major quantum at once societal and environmental, which has been described as the neolithic revolution. This term suggest a qualitative transformation of society, accompanied by a dramatic increase in energy and food sources, and therefore in turn of environmental control. This major shift.

Occurs with the domestication of certain wild grasses and animal. And so far we know independently in the old and new worlds thereby augmenting the technology already acquired at the lower or Paleolithic stage. To localize his environmental control and to become sedentary, which inter alia cs for village nodes of settlement and new domestic craft, the man environment nexus has now assumed a less biological in favor of greater territorial significance. However at this stage of incipient agriculture, limited water source for example will set rigid limits upon societal development and transformation of the landscape.The urban revolution describes systematic quantization and environmental transformation. Its marked by the shifting of the socio-political centre gravity to the cites which henceforth control the lower order country side.

According to Kuhn, the concept of paradigm reflects the dual nature of the function to be performed by scientific communities. On the one hand, the concept refers to the structure and the organization of scientific ideas and values as well as to their integration into coherent system. Three of systems are symbolic generalization, that is a set of correspondence rules that connect symbols to other symbols as well as to nature, symbolic generalization imply the elaboration of rule of correspondence between form and content, an example in painting are dominant in color, in construction are dominant of material etc. the second is models, that is these landscapes may be seen as characters interpreted, in the context these specify the color, shape, size of frame to frame, in construction maybe component and regulation internal on material. Model is basic of element of composition or of perspective, model are reflect metaphysical commitments as well. The last is exemplars, exemplar is constitute the final essential component of paradigm in architectures.because architect is basic of artistically established modes of representation as much as they imitate already creates on nature.


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