Traffic is more problem in Urban city and development country, the livable communities an especially are landscape design to promote social inclusion and the modern country as Germany or Indonesia. Manual the people who live in there. Transport is vital to mobility as a place maker and public policy it can be important about concrete decision of transform the public traffic domain, activate centers, and unlock new public transport and commercial public transport to agreement or housing developments, surround this public transportation. As the concept of general about traffic lines needs renewing exiting neighborhood and spaces. The best places take time and strong partnerships to develop and flourish. Integrated land use and transport planning in those country can activities public spaces, corridors and network and positively impact the delivery of health, education, and local government services. Because the transportation can improve the livability and character of places beside culture and model spirits of the city across in the state, achieve wider benefits from investment and encourage more desirable pattern of development.

Transport accounts for over 70 percent of the states on general, increasingly however, total energy consumption and growing share of total public infrastructure investment. While growing transport investments is critical to the Germany of communities, I try to choose one city of Münich and Jakarta otherwise unsustainable investment decision risk deteriorating the government budget position and its ability to respond to community needs in good traffic, modern and effective from other critical service.

As significant emitter of greenhouse gases, transport also has role in operating in a more sustainable way to limit environmental impacts and contribute to Germany governments, but Indonesian too more an effectiveness gas and too much consumption and pollution because of limit controls. An inspirational target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 in the world trades. Long term planning ensures the delivery of more with less, while the maximize the benefits of planned investment and improve the emissions intensity and environmental costs. The economical traffic of system is economically and environmentally sustainable, affordable for costumer and support emission reductions.

An affordable lines system that is responsive to change as the public transport traditional to modern that is responsive to change. As the public transport network grow immediately enough. In Indonesia start from `Ojek online`, they are like as public transportation by motorcycle but service by online and networking, new service and infrastructure will be need to meet demand. Investing in the future network while maintenance, innovation, and commercial focus on asset management. Supporting more environmentally sustainable travel moving people private vehicles to more sustainable transport modes will reduce congestion and the transport sector’s emission intensity, improve energy quality, and support better service and lines.

Well planned centers and cities will enable a shift from private cars to public transport and active transport modes such as walking and cycling. One keyword of success city integrate on Munich is straight delivery one way only three 30-minute into the city, support by dependable turn up and go must transit service. Managing the transport system`s cost effective transition to a low emission environment and managing its climate change risk will also help deliver the government’s climate change policy framework and its aspiration target of zero emission by 2050.

The transport network’s physical asset will be built and maintained to a standard to country`s extreme weather like as European and tropic level rise with conditional damage and disruption to network functionality landscape increase to Indonesia are inherently intelligent, the traffic lines that comprise have their own individual behaviors, logic and reasoning that allow this system (landscape) and the physical real time manipulation of environment. We have not discussion only about the public background system but also the technology background of human to create the agreement virtualization traffic history, refers to the removal of landscape data thought connectivity and response. While metaphorical, in this context the concept of intelligent in landscape refers to feedback loop between virtualization of a system (landscape) and the physical real time manipulation of an environment. Virtualization refers to the removal of landscape data through sensing and monitoring and reacting landscape as an artifact of processing or reaction. Goal is integral benchmark in the design architecture for this research, an outcome that designer and engineer attempt to match or calibrate toward without goal there is no known outcome iteration relies on the moment there is history to repeat.

Why do I choose slope system as theme are contribution to lines and traffic system? Slopes are different by the gear theory and mechanic technology, but they have same used are footed wheels used three thousand years to transmit circular motion or rotational force (forge) form one part of machine to another. Today gears most full machinery, and they range in size from the tiny gears in watch machismo to giant 100 t diameter gears in radar antennas. The sun or central gear masks with their planet gears. The depth about slope of the stability overflows particularly sensitive to spatial variations in the landscape of building. All the planet gears also mesh with an internal `ring` gear their different gear ration can be obtain need in an epic-cyclic gear train by a clutch system with prevents the rotation of either the sun gear, the eternal gear, or the arm which is attached to the three planet gears through bearing. So, in the mountain wind system a slope winds along valley winds, cross valley wind or mountain wind system often slope flows to be stronger and deeper than used another system.

Geometric Design

Geometric design deals with the dimensions of the visible feature of a facility such as aliment sight distances, widths, slopes, and grades as distinguished from structural design which deals with thickness, materials, and load carrying. The basic concepts from graph theory of geometric design are a pair (V, E) where V is nonempty finite set of vertices and E is a (empty) set of edges. Whereby an edge we mean a subset of V of size (exactly 2). The simple indicate that the graph has neither parallel edge not self -loops, that is, E is a proper set – rather than a multi-set and none of its elements has size one.

N (S) = U N (u) U element S

Safety Prototype

Geometric features of highway are design to provide operational area for the safe, economic. Safety is a primary requirement considering as a vital factor in all designs.

Normal Cross of Slope

Selection of proper cross slope depends upon speed creature relations. Vehicle characteristics, curves (super-elevation) reference 1-026. Cross slope on tangent and flat carves depends on targets and flat carves depends primarily on curb requirements, vehicle operational characteristics and general weather conditions.

Rene for rate of cross slope for classified roads and streets shown in tables selected number 1 and 2 were based on information where two or more lanes are inclined in the same direction on class a road direction on class a roads and streets each successive lane outward from the crown line shall have an increased cross slope. The line should have the minimum lane shall be increased 1/16 in per foot. Rene like as makes innovation analog and digital audio products for DJS (Performance, club) and commercial installer.

Vegetation and Landscape from detention basin. Vegetation in basic ensures erosion control and sediment entrapment. The choice of vegetation locally dependent as basin slope planted with tentative grasses. The button is subject to sediment deposition and frequent inundation thus created with marshy vegetation riparian shrub, low weeds on gravel.

Lane width

Traffic Lanes, no features of a road or street is more important in geometric design than the traffic lane width. Safety, driver comfort, capacity and maintenance cost by line width safety, driver comfort, capacity and maintenance cost or public budgeting width proper consideration these items when selecting traffic – lane width.

Parking Lanes

It is policy of department of defense to provide off street parking facilities at military installation lieu of hider streets required for on street parking.

European Infrastructure

European has unique and spirit character building, manual those country more building rebuilt at modern technology after the world war in Germany. The infrastructure was doing well especially Munich city. S urban (S) city. Munich may be different with another city in Germany. The heritage and old building as castle seen around the city.

Jakarta Condition

This capital country with residential or commercial histories seems the north Jakarta, its densely burrowed into the territory, and which make any alterations in the built and social environment difficult. There are also areas of substantial decline and disinterest as money and business move further toward the southern and western edges of the crowded city.

Slope Design traffic Landscape Methodology

1. The case study of agreement

2. Investigation strategy

3. Landscape design

1. The Case Study of Agreement

The common goal of architectural slope research is to understand the relationship between gears system and building alternations and to match these with archived data. The investigation focused on gaining insight into the building process of traffic and acquiring knowledge of the slope process building and true materials used to achieve the intended visual impression.

This focused can be useful for making conservation decision for international studies comparing slope working of traffic, working methods, and presenting also, long lost knowledge to a new object and materials also. Traffic not only about the problem of design but also the traffic can be impact to directly for people and economic in two countries (Indonesia and Germany), thus sampling for laboratory analysis should be kept to minimum, the investigation strategy used here was basic on systematic procedure consisting of context and identification building steps with clear decisions points. Each step involved different activities and outcomes.

2. The Sampling Investigation Strategy

Based on the assessment of steps a limited of number samples laboratory material and stop identifications of traffic because the building need sampling for cross action studies. The sampling on investigating the materials used in the first original data, which was the primary aim of an investigation from four concepts:

I have explained four concepts:

1. Concept the city

2. Concept of Slope design

3. Concept to Development science and activities

4. Conclusion remarks

3. Landscape Design

Building fabric acts as boundary and to large extent is a controlled environment this modelling in the context is controlled environment this modelling in the context of urban design of tropic, in the case of the traffic, a modelling discrepancy arises due to lack of both and an understanding of human activities in the streets.

Although these models used by engineers, the nature of modern traffic architectural constancy has led to the integration of these specialist into the early-stage design process. The architects integrate environmental modelling into the design process because of their design philosophy approach models.

Slope system traditional in farmer land has materials like as bamboo, metal like as chromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, tungsten. The street rarely used asphalt – paved areas when the temperature up 4 Celsius. The city two squares connect via park. The city and its urban grid were oriented diagonal; in radiation to the coast’ side street present element `s of light and shadow transition, linking the in and the out. Concretes massive and monolithic quality result from mixture of Portland cement, water and aggregate nine usually made up of crushed stone or gravel and a fine sand. That as a material is strong is compression and when enhanced by steel reinforcement it can also have great tensile strength.

How to know about material composition

First, long construction is one of the oldest building construction methods in history and was used not only for dwelling but also for other structure such as character an example tower or bridges, long construction is characterized by its corner joints that interlock with a dovetail or cross – lap connection these joints were historically carved by hand, though in long hour `kits` today they are precisely cut by machinery to archive uniformity and economy.

Second palace, built timber frame constructions created stronger with sills, posts, beams, and struts erected at each level. This method historically consisted of oversize handmade mortise and tenant joints in which a generous portion of the interacting wood subtracting member fit one inside of the other.

The third, platform framing involving using wood members that continue through two or more stories in height. The roof and floor members attack to continuous members on studs running from sill to roof. framing is a flow by floor process traditionally used for building`s so higher than there are stories and wood constructions.

Fourth, water or oil base preservation, have the wood odor less and ready to point of risk and do not teach out of leak into the environment. Which a high toxic may after the color of wood but can be pointed to offer this, and the last is creosote preservation a usually used in marine and saltwater applications, they give the wood a dark colored only surface and strong the odor that remain for a long period time.

Building`s fabric acts as boundary and to considerable extent is a controlled environment, this modelling in the context of urban design of tropics, in the case of traffic, a modelling discrepancy arises due to lack of both and an understanding of human activities in the streets. Although these models of the nature as modern traffic architectural consistency have led to the integration of these specialist into the early-stage design process. The architects integrate environmental modelling into the design process because of their design philosophy.

Aim and Overall Goal of Research Project

Innovative design of traffic ideas to reduce traffic impact to public transport and traffic congestion in capital country of Indonesia Jakarta comparative study of European traffic policy and agreement.

Specific Objective

1. Exclusive design traffic traditional to modern lanes for public transport in development countries

2. Design control methods and solution to flood disaster change to TOL (Tax on Location) model of traffic.

3. Smart city Identity, the product of leader design and prototype, specific traffic design and sustainable planning in the best places practicing test of new program and regular regulation passing to government agreement about primer landscape of traffic design.

Research Question

1. What is the slope system design of traffics from landscape engineering?

2. How is the design useful to congested problem of traffic in Jakarta and it has resolved flood disaster?

3. How European policy and agreement had been exclusive line for public transport.


1. Transport is vital to mobility as a place maker it can new design commercial and develop, renew and exist to research for each area is being informed by research plan led by slope system of design future and next steps for the future of landscape including to management and traffic design of research that will be as comprehensive as possible and involve research design of architecture and agreement modern traffic

2. The best transport planning architecture not only activities public space, corridor, and network to support the traffic efficient and less congestion problems but also by solved new design of modern traffic innovation ideas to reduce traffic impact on public transport with slope and gear system of level lanes and level traffic be reform and smart city.

3. Smart city of traffic agreement has five dimension they are efficient, sustainable, modern equitable and livable.

The Real Condition the Earth and Geologists

Catastrophic conditions, such F loads and temperature out areas not stable more over two typology climate areas tropical with raining and summer. Why clones and mass flows are very unfavorably for scrutiny? Depend on how we used and built transportation it has choose between two priorities stable because of the land had less 45 degrees of slope. For example, a mountainous area, when we have not special traffic the mobile or train run off. And hence the erosion rate is remarkably high impact to the land destruction or imitation of element inside of outside.

Stenographic architecture of slope positional system results from the interplay of tectonics-controlled basin configuration, climate and tectonics control to sediment or structure surround these areas. First, we try to reach how sediment calculation and self-geometry and high stand accommodation. High sedimentation rates of slope system led to outbuilding. But the shelf-break and overstepping, which can result mass failure of strata on scales.

Interlocking structure has oriented programming (OPP) visual interface, efficiency data and manage high integration. An example ecological slope engineer system is standard faster linked to various ecological filled bags connected to form an extraordinarily strong interlocking structure. The feature of the system includes the angle of slope can freely build in zero until 90 degrees, the ratio of slope’s lower thereby reducing the land occupied. They used cement, steel, concrete or the project will reduce cos ten until 15% adaptation of complex geological environment.

SAR produced is two-dimensional, image by quality parameter and show by they are measurement. The concept of ground range arises which is a distance measured along the surface of the earth, for perpendicularity to the azimuth direction. The convention from plant to ground range pro vise, geometrically realistic image, an aligned with the radar track if target attitude an available, including to the ground range conversion making the converted image more geometrical correct. Why do I try to description about SAR? SAR is one of gear system which influenced traffic methods to detected earth and geologist condition like as earthquake and tsunami.

Morphological slope there are sandstone units may record periods of increased sediment supply related to accelerated tectonic activity or depositions during low stands of relative sea- level, during which time accommodation for coast-grained sediment on the shalt was decrease. Lower slope sandstone may record and auto cyclic process in which a decrease in imposition gradient at the base of slope causes deceleration. Documentation tidily currents and sandstone deposition. Documentation of strati graphic architecture is perquisite for accurate interpretations of driving strati graphic forces.

Support vector machine or SVM in applied in time series analysis is related to function fitting algorithm as an approximate method of achieving structural risk minimization criterion. When the training sample are limited SVM can provide good generalization ability and will not fall into the local minimum. The second place is sloping stability or infinitive slope, the design method is based on the use of probability theory to develop a rational design basis for structural design that accents for variability in both load and resistance. The objective is to produce a uniform margin of safety for steel and concrete structure such as slope design above system on bridge or common street line but including of construction on the earth and Geo technical structure such foundations under different loading conditions.

t = ȹ. cos (θ), Summing forces in the T and Y direction will derive the equilibrium equations in terms of stress, thus the summing forces in the x direction will be explain with method:

T¹yx. ȹ - T¹ xy. ȹx - (Nyx - N¹xx) ȹ/2+ (NY - N¹ yd)2x/2 -y -y (ȹ x. ȹ y. ȹ z). (cpx/2. cos

(θ)) + ȹy. sin (θ)) = 0


W= y (ȹx. ȹy. ȹz)

F= (C + ȹ. tan (θ)


The factor of safety is greater than one if the shear strength than the shear stress, so that the slope is stable, and it is equal to one if failure is impending. The design method is based and the use of probability theory to develop a rational design basis for structural design that accounts for variability in both load and resistance. The objective is to produce a uniform margin of safety for steel and concrete structure such as bridges a Geo technical structure such as foundations under different loading conditions. The graphs also show that unstable slopes at flatter ageless and lower heights and lower heights than the maximum values because of weak rock or adverse structure can result in instability of even low slopes.

Landscape Architecture operates first as a social art serving human values on the part of the past of thus greater land planning art can bring and its potential for the future. For evaluation conditions. For example, the Islamic world, striking contrast to Europe of the Middle Ages, showed profound appreciates for the outdoor, owning to the climate that prevailing from the occupied regions and strong moral emphasis on family privacy. For Example, is the Moorish version of Islam Landscape architecture was a one expression a potentially happy acceptance of outdoor values for example Spanish, Cordoba, Seville, Granada. On the Earth condition and geologist from forth areas Granada different to Seville, the contrast when you look Alhambra and the general life supreme example of what the Moors could do with outdoor space when relieved of the pressure of city life this is not to deny that Granada is a city significance. The city of Granada (Al Biaxin) hill itself separated by depression from the slop bearing the genera life on the east and from Monte Mauro on the South.

Ecological design is the alternative which appropriate art by sustainable landscape standard, its say built of green environment by which we aim to restore and maintain the wholeness of the entire fabric of life increasingly fragmented by specialization, scientific, reductionist and bureaucratic division. (David Ore 3, 2004 page. 07). The ethical challenge for design a proof this areas as methodology, when architecture look as ecological design types, the Biophysical design are landscape constructed that foster a positive connection between people and nature in place of cultural and ecological significant and security directly symbolically elicit and human affinity for nature and vernacular on place based approach that emphasizes connect with culture, history , ecology of locality and promote human health and wellbeing ( page. 88). Holocaust of Ideas moreover, these architecture are slowly beginning to support plant the visual arts in their wonted rock as a provocative thorn in the side of society, then dissent storm that is about mental architecture resist its own realization its counterpoint, however, is not fragmented forms, negation or displacement but rather space which are simultaneously comprehensible and in reprehensible. The line city is the process is one discovering this unconsciousness through various reading not just the city per-se the city is not just real object of study. An example is Metro of ideas in Europe, I was seem directly Metro station directly in another country like as Italy, USA, Germany, etc. the history about the city underground and up the line transformations system, harmonize with the built environment, maintain a clear identity and have the flexibility to adapt to increases in passenger member in the feature, which are never easy to predict.

The factual theory between drawing and design as much as between viewpoints derived cubism 19th century artist drew from nature motifs that initiated way of picturing and composing which cubism. The cubist motif was nether cube nor cell but a metro an emergent profit ambiguous as to its salience or recessional advance reserve. This theme basic theory of vector and sector of the traffic lines. Vector are draw lines appear in two ways, there are a line way appear as a band between two domain and otherwise it may appear as the trace of a motive subject or the agent preceding point to point. Mobility themes were most expressed through device of parallel line and horizontal line (Birkhäuser Basel 2014. P 227). But sometimes a linear form of transport instructional and spatial linearity of vehicle themselves are the given constituent of modern mass mobility, the line has a metaphor for psychological and spiritual movement since the down of ritual architecture. The modern technology and manufacturer of associated products impact to our societies in a variety of ways and some are positive, other as adverse for their more, these impacts are economic and environmental in type and international in scope in as much as the researcher required for a new technology and traffic demand technology flows often come from many different countries also. The micro economic values micro social and must be equal be macroeconomic and macro social as capital country prosperity resulting from technological development is global in extended. Here however, environmental impact may extend beyond the blunders of single country policy about national traffic.

Slope system not talk about problem that fact of traffic and transport areas consider by driver characteristic in the course of design like as pedestrian system or discuss of the preceding section, but slope is transport engineering system problem for discuss of the problem stable criteria for the geometric design and management of traffic line in Geo structure are partly based on the vehicle characteristic static , kinematic , force and stress dynamic basic of vehicle. Design of slope including to design vehicle whose characteristic line distributed by traffic are determine criteria for geometric design, intersection, and sight dis-stable requirement. Otherwise, kinematic characteristic is primary element to acceleration capability of vehicle. Acceleration is also important in determinate the force that cause motion these are study of the kinematic characteristic of the vehicle by mathematics reversal velocity, distance, and time. In the solution above diagram flow versus density:

Flow = density x space mean speed q= kūs

R= x.î


R is position vector for m in T

. î is unit vector parallel to line on

x is distancing along the straight line

To constant acceleration with x = ½ at² + c4. t + c2

And the theory dynamic characteristic is R4 = 0,5 (0,077p (D. Au²)


R is air resistance Force (g)

P is density of air (1,2227 kg/m³) at sea level

D is frontal cross - section area (m²)

U is vehicle speed (km/h)

G is acceleration of graffiti (9,81 m/sec²)

Oliver Mann tuen Said: “Die smarte City nutzt systematisch die potenziale digitaler technologien un den ressourceneintz zu verrigenn die laben squalität ihrer benornrorrner nach haltoig zu erhöhen sovie die wetrseluft nach haltig zu stärken. “the smart city systematically exploits the potential of digital technologies to reduce the quality of their bentwood sustainability to enhance the quality of their sustainable energy and the resource incidence to destroy the lifelong squatters of That cause theory dynamic characteristic linear by ideas about smart city line about six problem resolving from smart environment, smart living, smart economy, smart mobility, smart government and then smart people. In smart mobility Germany has been IKT or Information and Communications Technik:

1. Nachhaltige, innovation und sichere transport systeme

2. Zugang za vielen ver chidenan transport modi gute erreichberkeit inder ganzen stadt

3. Nich notorsierter verkehr

4. Intergnete IKT in den Transport Systeme (Maximilian Oalmer 2018. p.23-31)

Critical aspect of institution of the ESDP will seriously evaluate level of major harmony between EU and member states, fore way.

1. When system infrastructure and natural and cultural heritages

2. On the spatial impacts of major social and economic phenomena

3. The spatial impacts of sector physic.

Environment impact on environment issues example emission of greenhouse gases substance that cause health problems and damage building and emission that cause identification separate energy coefficient for travel or car, domestic travel by plane and international play plan too. The role forestry flow as flora and fauna topography and landscape, histories vistas in the spiritual pedagogy of pilgrimage find significant analogy in the rational accounts of intersection with the more then human world of intersection with the more than contemporary ecological philosophy. To constructed infrastructure when the land position unstable like as slope of land in mountain we used bamboo, wood as alternative sustainable foundations or with used cement or concrete. Pedestrian different to slope system, manual their attention stability that public transport condition construct by naturally or modern.

Force moving vehicle overcome from risk of technology or from nature like as disaster, an example earthquake, air, weather, graduate, curve, and friction resistance force and put the vehicle in motion.

P = 2,91 Ru


P = horsepower delivered (hp)

R= sum of resistance to motion (N)

U= speed of vehicle (km/h)

Fundamental principle of traffic is essence of flow, density, and speed. Flow theory the development of mathematical relationship among the primary elements of traffic stream. When density on the highway = 0, the flow is also 0, because there is no vehicle on the highway. As the density increases, the flow also increases, but when density reaches its maximum, referred to as the jam density (k) the flow must be zero, because vehicle will tend to line end to end. It follows that as density increases from zero, the flow will also initially increase from zero to a maximum value. Further continues increase in density will then result in continues reduction of the flow, which will eventually be zero, when density is equal to the jam density. The shape of the curve therefore takes the form as figure of slope.

An example the acceleration of vehicle represents coefficient variable by the following equation dUt/d = 1 -0,004 U, where U is the vehicle speed in m/sec. If the vehicle is traveling at 70 km/h determined its velocity after 5 second of acceleration and the distance traveled drawing that time, convert solution in meter.


Convert 70km/h to m/sec.

70 = 1000


= 70. 0,278

= 19,5 m/sec

Use equal 3,1 to determine velocity U + after time t

= U = α/β (1- e¯) βt + U. e - βt

α = 1

β = 0,04

Ut= 1 (1- e - (0,04x5)) + 19. 5 e -0,04x5


= 25 (1 - 0,82) + 13,5. 0,82

= 4,5 + 16,0

= 20,5 m/sec

Convert to m/sec = 20


= 73, 74 km/ h

- βt - βt

X = α/β t = α/β e (1 - e) + μ0/β (1- e)

= (1 )5 _ 1. (1- e 0,04/5) + 19,5 (1- e -0,04 x 5)

0,04 (0,04 )2 0,024

= 125 - 625 (1 - 082) + 487, 5 (1 - 0,82)

= 125 - 11.5 + 87,75

= 100, 25 m

I try to explain about mathematics standard grid value vehicle and how linear with hermeneutic by philosophy approach, as I explain before sloping paradigmatic has been leave of Kantian ideas then post modernism and constructive ethics. Constructive ethics is a theoretical framework of an analysis of mobility (Bergmann, 2008. P. 233). Ecological landscape sustainable with the lanes and mobility are usually within spatial temporal frame world but time was ending space are badly suited to exposes the essence of mobility, particularly it I give space physical expression. On the title of dissertation The Slope System of Traffic Design an Architecture to Agreement Regional Traffic Design and Sustainable Landscape was clear how this research goal, beside explain about influenced of land had used on mobility, with theory of Slope, we talk about public policy and management of traffic too by method land risk and stability. I have not discuss more about model traffic and driver transport an example pedestrian, or network context their intention is that public transport stops should be located to serve the natural possibility space and time, but potential influenced of land use planning a its natives of on traffic passenger transport is large.

Different in mobility between these alternatives working and area living balance the extent. The alternative that results in the lowest level of car or mobile use differ from the situation resulting policy of government. The agreement regional traffic follow be well change from tendering of service system going to integration transport regulation. Theory tender is typical capitalism and economic liberal, but integration standard regional according to socialist theory and post traffic. The characteristic tender always productive efficiency, choose tender model are try to evident hybrid model or franchising model starting monopoly by contract, ownership of vehicle, owner of terminal, initiation of fare polling initiation of service level, the basis of the awards, penalty, payment etc. But integration transport regulation traits that are:

1. Coordination basic assignment to given facility their transport test that it can perform better than other facilities under development ideal task.

2. Coordination by effective join service agencies from regional district agreement

3. Coordination sub ordination of rival agencies

Drift Corner Riverside Technology, Die Ausweichmöglichkeit und Hochwasserschutz Technology

Arum es Jets Eine die Überschwemmung? Schulisch hat die alte Are auch das Problem Nacht gelöst, das Problem ist nicht gelöst, sondern wird weiter diskutiert: Versuchen sie zuerst, einen leeren Raum unter dem Gebäude, haus oder Gebäude zu schaffen, wo Wässer durch sorgfältig platzierte Löcher ein- und ausfließen kann.

Mit der konventionellen Konstruktion des Krichbaums ist der Boden weitgehend unter der geländespitze versetzt und durchlässig und ohne betonplatten, so dass hier, wenn das Regenwasser auf den Boden fällt, nicht als hydrostatische kraft wirken kann, Wässer kann nicht aufgenommen werden oder sogar bis zu einer niedrigeren. Regenwasser kommt durch die Löcher, wenn die Wasseroberfläche fällt oder in den Boden sickert.

Zwei, als alternative kann das Regenwasser selbst verwenden, versuchen, eine Grundplatte auf der bodenebene zu bauen, ist es wichtig zu beachten, dass das Gelände gegenüber natürlichem Gelände nicht angehoben werden kann, so dass der Wässer durch Volumen mit vielen Eigensucht; vielen Eigenschaften fallen gelassen wird umgeben von vielen hohen Gebäuden mit einem Loch von Atresien, die Schwierigkeiten haben würde, ausfließen. Die fließende wasserform hat einen Gegendruck auf den hydrostatischen Wasserdruck kraft (sowohl von unten als auch von der Seite)

Machen sie den kriechraum in der Regel in niedriger Höhe, mit einer Höhe von weniger als 80 cm, um den einstiegsraum zu decken. Wie unten gezeigt: Im ersten diskutierten wir Über präventive der dürre am Vortag durchgeführt werden können und parallele mittel können nicht nur eine person getan werden, aber im gesamten Startblock und der Fluss kann zu einem großen Rohr führen später in der neuen dritten Sitzung erklärte ich die Theorie der drift-Ecke Riverside, wo das Wässer technologisch aus dem Überlauf von zweigen von wasserströmen auf Straßen und Häusern gesammelt wird.

Das Wasser ist seine Natur bedeckt 70% der Oberfläche, das Meer, aber tatsächlich es das entspricht etwa 0,025% der Maße des erdvolumens. Stellen sie sich logischerweise viel weniger Wässer vor als der eigentliche Boden, also sagte das, dass der Boden eine absorptionskrise erlitten hat, vor allem Germany ist absurd. Wo kommen die Gedanken? ist das Land in München nicht so dünn wie Cracker? Darüber hinaus schätzen wir, dass der Mäntel der Erde den größten Teil seines ursprünglichen Wassers verloren hat, das fügt keinen Sinn mehr hinzu.

Der Boden absorbiert Wässer, indem er das durchlässige Feld oder die Übergangszonen schiebt, die gut in den Boden eindringen können, oder wenn der blick auf durchlässig ist die Natur von Zellmembranen, die alle Substanzen, sowohl feste als auch flüssige Verbindungen, übergeben können. Die potenziell H2O-reiche Übergangszone oder wacher liegt zwischen einer Tiefe von 410-660 km.

Überschwemmungen oder Hochwasserkatastrophen sind die logischen folgen des Wasserkreislaufs der Erde, der einem ineffektiven Prozess, der einnähme und des Streamings ausgesetzt ist. Mit meiner spräche ist es einfach, schnell und kontinuierlich zu produzieren, so dass du der prismatische oder längsmittelpunkt des auftriebst, der Verdrängung und der Stabilität des Wassers reduziert wird.

Aus der experimentellen Synthese und Messung der physikalischen und materiellen Eigenschaften können wir geodynamische Modellierung machen, indem wir verstehen, welche Parameter und daten benötigt werden, um die Möglichkeit von Wassern im Boden, der die Flut umgibt, zu erkennen oder zu leugnen. Die große von der Theorie BWL = CBx konstante Wässer geteilt DWL x-t (Sekunden oder zeit).

CB ist die Berechnung des Block Koeffizienten. Das wasserplangebiet ist ein Gebiet, in dem entlang der Linie entworfen oder DWL und BWL oder die läge der Flut von der hohen Oberfläche des Wassers aus dem Boden multipliziert mit der breite sein wollen. In der Planung werden folgende Dinge berücksichtigt:

1. Die Größe bestimmt das Gewicht pro mm eintauchen. Es ist das gewichte benötigt, um bestimmte Objekte wie Autos zu ertränken, Häuser.

2. Zentr.-gravitation liegt in der Achse um die herum.

3. Trägheitszustand um die Längsachse bestimmen sie die Stabilität eines kleinen Winkels der Boden Durchlässigkeit.

4. Moment der Trägheit um die transversale Achse durch den Schwerpunkt (Bereiche), was zu längs Stabilität führt, ist es das Momente, das benötigt wird, um einen bestimmten Winkel zu schneiden.

Wir diese Formel brauchen, weil später die Anzahl der Kegel aus der Größe des Algorithmus als Längsachse können wir einen rohrpunkt des Vakuums aus dem Design, sowie die Verwaltung der Flut Sendung durch drei haus Planung, Fluss und das Biegen von Engineering oder um die ausweicht Möglichkeit und Hochwasserschutz.

Wir Über präventive der dürre am Vortag durchgeführt werden können und parallele mittel können nicht nur eine person getan werden, aber im gesamten Startblock und der Fluss kann zu einem großen röhr führen später in der neuen dritten Sitzung erklärte ich die Theorie der drift-corner Riverside, wo das Wässer technologisch aus dem Überlauf von zweigen von wasserströmen auf Straßen und Häusern gesammelt wird.

1. Die Größe bestimmt das Gewicht pro mm eintauchen. Dies ist das gewichte, das benötigt wird, um bestimmte Objekte wie Autos, Häuser zu versenken.

2. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Achse um den Standort.

3. Trägheitszustand um die Längsachse Stabilität bei kleinen Winkeln der Boden Infiltration bestimmen.

4. Das Trägheitsmoment um die Querachse durch den Schwerpunkt (Fläche) erzeugt eine längs Stabilität, du das Moment, das zum Schneiden in einem bestimmten Winkel erforderlich ist.

Brauchen wir diese Formel, weil wir anhand der Anzahl der Kegel aus der Größe des Algorithmus als Längsachse den saugrohrpunkt der Konstruktion, sowie das Management der Überflutungsvorgänge durch drei das Gebäude, Flüsse und gebäudegenieurwesen oder die Drift Umlenkung Technologie.

Für Saugrohre werden in einer großen Turbine mit einer vakuum-versorgungsleitung Maschine verwendet, um das gesammelte Wässer in einem röhr zu saugen, die konventionell wie das Bild gemacht werden kann, dass ich unten gemacht:

Wenn in Europe mehr verwenden sie die Natur oder Flüsse, bevor sie in die saugröhre, und der Fluss gibt es nicht schmal und steif mit der gleichen Durchmesser Begrenzung wie in, hier in München lassen sie den Fluss wild, desto mehr steine und Umrandungen von Bäumen und gras oder Unkraut sind schöner.

In der rohrverbindung unter dem haus besteht die Steuerung in den beiden griffen aus: einer Konstruktion, die aus einer Geer-spitze besteht, die für die Unterstützung der saugspitze konfiguriert ist; Beide saugenden enthalten eine ziemlich große Gere-Spitze, wie die distale in der spräche seiner medizinischen Wissenschaft ist das Zentrum der anatomischen Maschine, die reichlich wasserversorgungskanäle antreiben kann. Da erwartet wird, dass der wasserüberlauf nicht nur auf den Fluss übertragen wird, während der Fluss Germany sehr beschädigt ist, wird erwartet, dass das Werkzeug den Fluss eines solchen stabilen Gefäß Zyklus entwickelt und das Wässer wieder zur seid verformt wird. andere wasserquellen und saubere Wässer, die ursprünglich zur Funktion und aufgäbe von wurden.

Die in diesem Schritt zu tun und schnell getan werden, ist daher sorgfältig in der- und Konstruktion Planung zu konstruieren. Dies ist eine große Herausforderung, insbesondere diejenigen, die im wasserwirtschaftssektor tätig sind. Das überschüssige Regenwasser wird, vor allem aus dem Überlauf von Regenwasser im oberen Teil, kann das Gebiet durchtrennen oder Schneiden des Wasserglases simuliert werden das Gegenteil (seiet) durch die Gründung von künstlichen röhren oder künstlichen Flüssen, die kosten wird nicht zu teuer sein, als mit Kanälen oder dämme zu machen. Die Lücken im Assetmanagement neben einer guten Stadt Gestaltung beleben den Fluss auch mit dem kapazitätsaufbau von Flüssen. Der wasserüberlauf wird mit einer Turbine gebogen, die sich zu hause.

Steuerung befindet, die auf dem Fluss gebaut wurde oder wo das zentrale Wässer gespeichert wird, indem Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff als Wiederaufbereitungsanlage getrennt oder kombiniert werden. Der geeignete orte für diesen Prozess ist der Fluss, aber wenn es keinen großen Fluss gibt, dann manuell ein großes Backen des Transformators erstellt, die Elektrolyte dient.

München Management gebiet hochgeladen, das etwa 1, 23 km2 mit einem systematischen Rundschreiben gebaut wurde, das als Erholungsgebiet. Deutschland genutzt werden kann. Die Infrastruktur ist bereits vorhanden. Ein Netz von wasserstofftankstellen kann ebenfalls sein, auch and die Kläranlage angeschlossen. Der Wasserstoff wird dann nicht in Strom umgewandelt, sondern in das energienetz eingesetzt, da der Brennstoff andere Funktionen hat, z.B. heiz- und energiewerkzeuge (Turbinen Generatoren absaugt).


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