Reformation 2
The most of conflicts in party politics (Partij politiek in Netherlands) or political party backgrounds, are consider to some of the problems of an election earliest from the crisis of powers phases and preferences. When we know that logical identity of power relations in facts many shortcomings of the politics in this country currently from religion and political constitution, as it integrates into the community or there is indeed a possibility to apply even before poitical community members whose identification problems, how more conflicts and political interest return to different rules that articulate from political legal and political subjectivity as elites on the concept of privat, a construct, on the concept of public, outside majority in parlemen.
The history of constitutions in Indonesia never locked from history of Netherlands constitution, the partij politiek of Netherlands concepts always paradox, but enclose ambiguity and more deficiency never interfered any others expecially once issue traditional notions of political subjectivity seen as challenging the legal politics tradition of Indonesia were the extent to which it had been transformed by an emphasis on mysticism in individual believe and practice on conflicts background before President elections.
The legal tradition had seen as distinctively been constitutions have supplanted in Indonesia by political genealogy that goes from juridical perspection, practices of power relation between founding father and elites who has different ideology from them were attributed in party included. It was ironic, therefore , that all of the elites with whom reads and saw how people never need something different despite has peace and walfare as the only conflict in internal among ideology, practice and tradition.
This desire of the solution, however , seems the one outcome that cannot offered institutions has been explicitly and violently resistentions with phenomenon and tradition in my country, outside the terror of issues, and the fact that it is still being offered to them an attractive tragic commentary on wars as well as rationalized by traditions and culture of ideology. In any condition the legal of system in Indonesia especially politico legal that an encountered in this project of research seem some common conflict all tradition of legal, they usually had conflict with those beliefs and practices whose tradition culture previously some personal occupied position elites in powers and states.
I suggested to that one not worry about questions are proof to be equally of law or in an individual interpretation of political genealogy and state. We are also gotten impacts to this condition above cases majority constitutions in Indonesia most prefering to impasizing conflict from ethnics and horizontal partij both two religion Islam and non Islam, social and liberal, java and non java always from this backgrounds. Policies and political studies directly some question a rose. Example how at first candidacy in political election bring the issues had been allocation votes than secular perspective. How we known if institution did not reduction from political practices. And we must know how to elected of partij enclose with elaborate acknowledge between state and religion influences.
Political genealogy in Indonesia is, there are a clearly articulating set of rules available for post structural limit of preferences. This is the point of view where more institution with a superficial understanding out from law and Political practices intended, I meant an ethics of institutions theory not enough towards traditions fulfilled than often with individualism consequences. On special occasions. Democratic party with SBY invited two candidate of president election Jokowi and Prabowo sit down together such as ceremonial dinner politics, there they sits sternly, silently without discuss and conflicts before campaign.
Constitution on Indonesian genealogies perspective may be explain critical historical-philosophy tems where the conflict coditions the possibility of politic as ethics of articulation can be proceeds from the awareness of the impossibility of finding the origin of meant articulated the object of studies. Political studies try to combine with legal perspective in the research never outside block of literally and off track from study of politics but those reason written life in the polis represents the higest realization of human nature.
According to Aristoteles `s argument depends on simple ideas held views of humankind and politics in general. What is legal tradition in conflict people in Indonesia revealed political court especially constitutional justice in conflicts or Mahkamah konstitusi ( Judicial reviews ) thus what is legal politics in Genealogy may description too in this research. In each case, the practical research to achieve the highest degree qualified in a political science and philosophy in doctoral levels and this research useful development and practice from theory political genealogy in Indonesia.
The research did not perspective from law as scholar do but it is the measure of political philosophy. Principles of justice and human rights just to understand about political order transcends the circumstances in which arises or entitles those who diserve from minorities and majorities party posed by part of elites and feodalism from Netherlands.
Indonesia has the political and democratic growth most better than post collonialism, according to Daniel S Liev, a growth and development this country more exciting for the growth of democracy in the worlds , now in 2014 the policy of general election in institution back to 1997 eras where non directional elections were dominan to cruets the political practices. The genealogical method is thus particularly helpful in this conditions, as it contributes to clearing up the ambiguities inhernt to an inquiry into the source in post collonialist of legal poitics normativity.
Indonesia has the political and democratic growth most better than post collonialism, according to Daniel S Liev, a growth and development this country more exciting for the growth of democracy in the worlds , now in 2014 the policy of general election in institution back to 1997 eras where non directional elections were dominan to cruets the political practices. The genealogical method is thus particularly helpful in this conditions, as it contributes to clearing up the ambiguities inhernt to an inquiry into the source in post collonialist of legal poitics normativity.
Political constitution in Indonesia or Post colonialist of country, the qualitative research doing with ethnography research of politics, its just management of the variables and an operationalisation sample specifications may be written and analysist by an ethnography research and political genealogy approach, as becoming part of groups of research literature and deep interview with culture data methods : This study employs a methodology commonly known as Ethnographic of a technique of combinations from quantitative and qualitative data methods so far for merely combining these methods, however, it also attempt to make them interact to member of party now in order to counter invalid assertion.
As data I have used to the extant to sets of some kind variables was necessary in the survey about character of genealogies from the conflicts and Ethics tradition political genealogy in Indonesia with samples. I nevertheless should be notes that out of more 100 respondents have been selected for focus in this study, and until 30 to 50 sample location projects.Example the draft 'moslem' organizations in my constitution of Indonesia.
The questionnaires ultimately have human interest and party of Indonesia in conflict attendance or legal Politics too beside political institution in party of deconstructions. While the result of the survey are representatives, it provides only superficial information since no further information about the sample being surveyed is provided. Therefore, I will be analysis the qualitative data obtained from open – ended interviews about party groups in Islam and secular that I was conducted to get more in depth information from respondents divide two forms internal and external data. Why they are held party improve to election also is the same time the participant was different.
The questionnaires ultimately have human interest and party of Indonesia in conflict attendance or legal Politics too beside political institution in party of deconstructions. While the result of the survey are representatives, it provides only superficial information since no further information about the sample being surveyed is provided. Therefore, I will be analysis the qualitative data obtained from open – ended interviews about party groups in Islam and secular that I was conducted to get more in depth information from respondents divide two forms internal and external data. Why they are held party improve to election also is the same time the participant was different.
They are allowing to representing data sector major of model conflict and interest an included are political sources, good culture habit, internal legal, regulation draft law in elections whose influenced of policy may be using great relation and connection to the Genealogy and Legal Political Approach . This concept study is a basic of information and evaluation changed direct election to indirect election allows DPR or Parlement in Indonesia. It was overall conflict of religion in generally. Data search via interviews with multiple players and conducts.
It is difficult to drawn on objective analysis but also subjective perceptions to back up or supplement a purely quantitative approach. Indonesia is the sample on Genealogy and Legal Politics Approach and the part in portrait conflict in interests. Constitutional court in Indonesian or Mahkamah konstitusi was chosen as the location to interviews too, once it is a center of jurisprudences on political policy enclose conditions have to be settle, remain and interacts. Before I was verification the data, I have collect many information from media online in the conflict and interest. Why, what and how about material based used too. After accumulate of data we are may discuss to participant and literal investigation from line or books support, analysis data with statistic and many others.
Anthropologycal approach seems appropriate to deal with this kind of data. An analysis of data more important to help in methods of interpretation data applied to publics philosophical issues, and how it differs from the approaches taken by other modern research on these counter of genealogy politics topics. First step, I make observation literature and human subject. Literature have been made clearing what related to theory and practice reduction conflict among politic interest be develop in party, influences and establish a new institution or party but research subject to find the culture theme there too . The second step, I can be creating of the mapping about how chronology orders from genealogy influences has been gotten of the conflicts in draft and politics in this country about concept of state. The research description with Ethnography, it is research data culture analysis composition from the observation, mapping group result and hypothesis, culture data and interview at directly (investigation). And the last we report the research with written and description on style of written on an ethnography research.