Landscape of Colloseum
the Concept of Art on Genealogy and Discontinuities the Meta - Historical Perspective
I wrote This article inspired by David E, Kleimm`s study of Paul Ricoeur entitled theory of Paul Ricoeur: A Constructive Analysis. Taking this book as model, the present dissertation modestly attempt to analyze systematically theory of historical analysis. The question of history, has an extraordinary analyze over other creatures, because it has knowledge can communicate with the reality trough past, now and future. So it has responsibility to disclose the reality.
History of scientific knowledge appears because of the systemic and methodologically of Archaeology and Genealogy. Argumentatively, the history of human being develops the scientific knowledge because its have relationship between man and his nature is not only instinct and absolutely story but history also uses an initiative element in relationship with nature, animal, existence or historical genesis of them, their symbol and structure functions, their semantic and anthropological limits and inadequacies (1994:30)
History of scientific knowledge appears because of the systemic and methodologically of Archaeology and Genealogy. Argumentatively, the history of human being develops the scientific knowledge because its have relationship between man and his nature is not only instinct and absolutely story but history also uses an initiative element in relationship with nature, animal, existence or historical genesis of them, their symbol and structure functions, their semantic and anthropological limits and inadequacies (1994:30)
Why the Colloseum (built in 80.AD) is most interesting to research study and wishes to accomplish by deconstruction understandable of the reason for new Rome Empire, the dominance of the people in term new Rome views in rational progress moreover they claimed new American and its never limitations, and to uncover other conceptions art tradition as well as development their religion in Catholic orthodoxy and Roman God of sunlight.
Defending itself against the charge of using critics methods ideas of discontinuity in this studies, in the eighth century the Colloseum towered over other ancient ruins, and in its vicinity was the majority of the city`s churches (2000:75). The concept of churches surrounding background maintains of historical graphic on the picture, sculpture and painting with regard to ethics of art and symbols churches majority. But in Colleseum is different, it is relief panels found in triumphal arch and army. And the research does not an impressed to the history of Colloseum built by emperor Vaspasian, story about propagating emperor, love and army.
Defending itself against the charge of using critics methods ideas of discontinuity in this studies, in the eighth century the Colloseum towered over other ancient ruins, and in its vicinity was the majority of the city`s churches (2000:75). The concept of churches surrounding background maintains of historical graphic on the picture, sculpture and painting with regard to ethics of art and symbols churches majority. But in Colleseum is different, it is relief panels found in triumphal arch and army. And the research does not an impressed to the history of Colloseum built by emperor Vaspasian, story about propagating emperor, love and army.
I look and refers to one shoot of the picture or arch with science, and art. Starting that this concept implies that the concept hermeneutic in the Architecture sciences of arts and implicates on creativities. Beside that man develops that scientific knowledge because he has to cope with some basic universal questions such as `what a Philosophy of art is`, `why they have to be do and to be not attempt design more from of sculpture than painting`, `how the carve makes decision position material of sculpture` and `what the goal he does not make it`.
Disclosing the reality means disclosing the screen that covers the truths generally has five instruments in art, are sense, instinct, mind, imagination and intuition. Sense is an instrument to get the physical truth, instinct is an instrument to defend and to survive human life as an individual and social being. Mind is an instrument to lead human consciousness to the relationship between cause and result in a decision or an event. I was criticizes of history from the Philosophy of art for the ways they have portrayed the status of human being. Human being and human nature is equality in the opportunity of truth and believe. The assumption that metaphysics was not an underestimate and object of nature was cause of the different it rights and inferiority the earth basically is not true and except from rational reasoning.
You may be studying History and Philosophy of Art with a term in Rome is to continue my knowledge about The Rome, I was received study part time in Philosophy and History in Anglicvm and one year programme interreligious from Russel Berrie foundation. This reality allowed me to become better acquainted with this country, refine my knowledge about of Rome and collect unique of city. I would like read many the art and sculpture documentary too, design Architecture, poetry and read ancient texts of history, example Latin, Greek or france with methodology research of Genealogy in Culture History studies about Landscape of Colloseum in Rome, the Concept of Art on Genealogy and Discontinuities the Meta -Historical Perspective`.
Why Meta history? Meta history is path beyond the received script, arts, lesson, structure and culture. Toward a world free from enslavement to historical lies and unexamined beliefs. Professor Allan Bullock in The Historian`s Purpose (1970): History and Meta history writes that the historiography has been writing by historian to smallest subjectivity to create the fact and empirical data. The question found whether you did not see its the reality that the imagination never comes and influences, history only creating the past every time always to be interpretation and symbols.
My interest in this field background from the history of Rome because during the two hundred years between 1400 and 1600, Europe especially Rome witnessed an astonishing revival of drawing, fine art painting, sculpture and Architecture, which I now refer to as the Renaissance eras. I will see about arts, painting, sculpture and Architecture as objects in my laboratories, so it can be studied in reinvented for majoring focus in history of Colloseum, despite divide History and Philosophy in those artifact.
Why Meta history? Meta history is path beyond the received script, arts, lesson, structure and culture. Toward a world free from enslavement to historical lies and unexamined beliefs. Professor Allan Bullock in The Historian`s Purpose (1970): History and Meta history writes that the historiography has been writing by historian to smallest subjectivity to create the fact and empirical data. The question found whether you did not see its the reality that the imagination never comes and influences, history only creating the past every time always to be interpretation and symbols.
My interest in this field background from the history of Rome because during the two hundred years between 1400 and 1600, Europe especially Rome witnessed an astonishing revival of drawing, fine art painting, sculpture and Architecture, which I now refer to as the Renaissance eras. I will see about arts, painting, sculpture and Architecture as objects in my laboratories, so it can be studied in reinvented for majoring focus in history of Colloseum, despite divide History and Philosophy in those artifact.
I though there are important to known beneficial metahistory when you search the truth in the object, as like as detective to investigating by metadata and sketch, how we includes their own perspective concerning historical myth? The historian is vital in order to imagine, it would be almost impossible for out from `micro of cosmos` to `macro of cosmos` looking us the metahistory forms. They are from ordinary knowledge to scientific knowledge and then myth -historical –knowledge I think. We are need understand to deeply by genealogy methods of those artifact.
This unforgettable experience convinced me that I had made the different choice on term of Rome not sophisticated, as to extend my research in this field with easy by photos, design and people of Italy stories. My research aims at disclosing the problems which a Man along with his mind and imagination has an ability to make the truth to sense and instinct perfectly, furthermore I can also go to the myth trough my mind. Man who has mind has responsibility for knowing what the futures after he understand. Man used the mind and imagination as measurement to determine whether some one receives reward from created symbol in arts especially for me outsider perspective from Rome.
This unforgettable experience convinced me that I had made the different choice on term of Rome not sophisticated, as to extend my research in this field with easy by photos, design and people of Italy stories. My research aims at disclosing the problems which a Man along with his mind and imagination has an ability to make the truth to sense and instinct perfectly, furthermore I can also go to the myth trough my mind. Man who has mind has responsibility for knowing what the futures after he understand. Man used the mind and imagination as measurement to determine whether some one receives reward from created symbol in arts especially for me outsider perspective from Rome.
The imagination is an other special power of man beside mind. Human created in the past can be vision in the arts, picture, sculpture and architecture in the artifact but if man uses it along with mind, he can do some interpretation with his knowledge perfectly. We can see the power of imagination in human civilization. Civilization is not only a result of the mind creativity but also the creativity of human imagination. All the instrument above on the scale of das sollen constitute the basic of the structure of human scientific knowledge. The structure of instrument brings to the structure of knowledge. Every stage of knowledge has different stage of the truth. The knowledge from the sense has the lowest stage in the structure of knowledge. On the other side the capability to obtain the truth. The human knowledge levels are from ordinary knowledge to scientific knowledge and then Philosophical knowledge.
Man along with his mind has an ability to make the truth to sense and instinct perfectly, furthermore man can also go to the myth or supreme trough his mind. Man who has mind has responsibility for what he has done. Man used the mind as measurement to determine whether some one receives reward from created his mind. Other creatures have no responsibility for what they have decided to their action because they do not have mind, more ever man who does not use his mind does not have responsibility for all of what he has done or decided.
Man along with his mind has an ability to make the truth to sense and instinct perfectly, furthermore man can also go to the myth or supreme trough his mind. Man who has mind has responsibility for what he has done. Man used the mind as measurement to determine whether some one receives reward from created his mind. Other creatures have no responsibility for what they have decided to their action because they do not have mind, more ever man who does not use his mind does not have responsibility for all of what he has done or decided.
The lower level of knowledge only finds the more uncompleted and more discontinuity to an unstructured truth, moreover generally the lower levels of human knowledge just find the hazier truth. It can be seen in the knowledge from the sense and the instinct. Many people think this is the space of metaphysics to manage. So the higher level of knowledge has to cover and complete the lower level of knowledge. Knowledge of mind has the highest level in the dimension of human being fundamentally human mind has potential to understand the right of value and truth, properly man along with his mind has capabilities to find the truth. The last instrument is intuitive of about responsibility to knowledge.
This is Ethics responsibility Historian to the metahistory influenced to empirical continuity of their consciousness, because if I have imagination and sense in the structure of Epistemology of the art these discover something. I think that the empirical human scientific knowledge is the top of human understanding. Furthermore I think that I can use the method of discontinuity rational and meta rational to discover the data in the art especially in locus of research at landscape the art building of Colloseum in Rome for example, that already all uses it to obtain the empirical scientific knowledge, to discover the screen the truth of arts.
This is Ethics responsibility Historian to the metahistory influenced to empirical continuity of their consciousness, because if I have imagination and sense in the structure of Epistemology of the art these discover something. I think that the empirical human scientific knowledge is the top of human understanding. Furthermore I think that I can use the method of discontinuity rational and meta rational to discover the data in the art especially in locus of research at landscape the art building of Colloseum in Rome for example, that already all uses it to obtain the empirical scientific knowledge, to discover the screen the truth of arts.
Theory Art and Mythology
Greek mythology was often based around dualities, such as the fight between good and evil or light and dark. Take the conflict that has arisen from the initiating incident which may be the mortals being punished for wrong doing and attempt to resolve it. This could take the form of the mortals attempting to appease the Gods, for example `what is we here?` or ` what is our purpose?` as well as conveying the proper way to live and values by which to live. The sculpture and painters of the Rome renaissance turned to the Gods and heroes story of Gladiators of Collesium. Roman mythology in order to strike out in different direction, rejecting aesthetic of the medieval artist for new form of art that mixed Christian and pagan imagery.
Mythological images were used as allegories for basic conflict in human nature, such as the battle between reason and passion. Such allegories could also be seen as symbols of a struggle between spritualist and idealist. However renaissance mythologist were be found relief sculptures portrayed Adam and Hercules side by side.
Mythology or study of myth is teachings that belong to ancient Greeks, concerning stories implicitly representational art, vasepaintings, votive gifts, origins from Greek myth and Greek literatures. According for Ensyclopedia (1994:175) The term of mythology to divide into four groups: Premodern theorist, 19th- century theorist, 20th- century theorist, and after 20th- century theorist or Post modernism. In modern theory myth is often regarded as historical studies has worked by formats of communication across the globe and discourse by greater participants before.
Mythological images were used as allegories for basic conflict in human nature, such as the battle between reason and passion. Such allegories could also be seen as symbols of a struggle between spritualist and idealist. However renaissance mythologist were be found relief sculptures portrayed Adam and Hercules side by side.
Mythology or study of myth is teachings that belong to ancient Greeks, concerning stories implicitly representational art, vasepaintings, votive gifts, origins from Greek myth and Greek literatures. According for Ensyclopedia (1994:175) The term of mythology to divide into four groups: Premodern theorist, 19th- century theorist, 20th- century theorist, and after 20th- century theorist or Post modernism. In modern theory myth is often regarded as historical studies has worked by formats of communication across the globe and discourse by greater participants before.
The mythology likes above has seem from the landscape or art media examples, they are accumulating critics and transmitted from oral tradition via film example Gladiator, Julius Caesar,etc., or photos and sculptures example about animal, horse, or when the arch of Titus where he knelt in silence and in deep prayer upon its once blood stained area before the altar of the Viacrucis, hard a very striking effect, so graphics or any other landscape of arts I see the art in graphic and setting between arch and object secondary in graphics.
As look as Borobudur of the temple in Indonesia this arch always symmetric different from landscape arch in Colloseum. This approach has not return from smallest a scale who no arch had bothered to tell about whatever calamity was storied about to happen, but the technology can be creation story and developed this art and mythology inside stories, so the mythology does not need the archeologist found the artifact to begins those works.
This approach begins with the genealogy than archaeology. This approach begins with the archaeological excavation of the meaning of a word, its genealogy through history from the past till the present. It further analyzes the art as it is used in the Myth paradigm, by relating it to the ethico-political contexts of the ninth century in Architecture system in Rome. The analysis of the theory mythology here is extended to any works of architectures such as collections, traditions or scripts companion in the museum policy which discuss the alternative in the past story. Here we can see the influence of post structuralism scholar, especially Michel Foucault (1972:45).
As look as Borobudur of the temple in Indonesia this arch always symmetric different from landscape arch in Colloseum. This approach has not return from smallest a scale who no arch had bothered to tell about whatever calamity was storied about to happen, but the technology can be creation story and developed this art and mythology inside stories, so the mythology does not need the archeologist found the artifact to begins those works.
This approach begins with the genealogy than archaeology. This approach begins with the archaeological excavation of the meaning of a word, its genealogy through history from the past till the present. It further analyzes the art as it is used in the Myth paradigm, by relating it to the ethico-political contexts of the ninth century in Architecture system in Rome. The analysis of the theory mythology here is extended to any works of architectures such as collections, traditions or scripts companion in the museum policy which discuss the alternative in the past story. Here we can see the influence of post structuralism scholar, especially Michel Foucault (1972:45).
About existence mythology the latter, in his The Archaeology of Knowledge has suggested that an object of discourse exists under the positive conditions of a complex group of relations. It is therefore necessary, Foucault suggests, to analyze an object in its relation to other objects and to define its difference. He argues that the purpose of the archaeological is determine the truthfulness or untruthfulness of given account but rather to deconstruct the social imaginary which has been formed and structured by the phenomenon.
It seems that it is on this basis that deconstruction theory lies: Meta-story that is it, to consider the social imaginaire as the field of study. I find that this kind of approach, which studies of the mean of literature as the result of the believer`s imaginairy, not only fact and reporting it is richer than the philological approach that searches for lexical and thematic influences. On the practical level news verses related to contemporary issues, such as the role of myth and metaphysics, for instance.
It seems that it is on this basis that deconstruction theory lies: Meta-story that is it, to consider the social imaginaire as the field of study. I find that this kind of approach, which studies of the mean of literature as the result of the believer`s imaginairy, not only fact and reporting it is richer than the philological approach that searches for lexical and thematic influences. On the practical level news verses related to contemporary issues, such as the role of myth and metaphysics, for instance.
Theory Ethics and Philosophy ( Continuity or Discontinuities )
Plato, reading of the metaphor that structure philosophical texts an exclusion of from of production of Philosophy had derived inspiration, both a partial and rational, so far in practical term Philosophy of the art of space is seemingly at antagonistic position, and in rational term in attack on Philosophy about truthfully when this is a logical impossibly. In Plato world of true is not subject who is speaks. It is the receptacle of speech, possibility, though is not enough to articulation. In ethics of genealogy (Michael Foucault 1926-1984) can be discussion about history in Philosophy.
He has a maintains that modern ethical thought attempt to deriving in the moral and obligation from modern of mankind as here conceived, however, politics including them, would conform exactly to dreams of the ideal on the rules. The law of logic are not a political art or ethics attitude. The persistently occurring ways in which humans conceive and perceive including sexual, desire, art and beauty, It is pure of thinking in the human ideas can be developing own self beyond the true that practice can attain. Do they guide us toward what ideally should occur? In ethics human being can respects to law which can be created.
Jürgen Habermas, read from Collin K, in the theory genealogy has get and clear on the depth problems of power in the modern reality (2013:225) he was sketching normative criteria, reconstruction can take forward – facing form at specified by pragmatism or anthropologist. Mac Carty `s argument that critical theory and genealogy together avoid shared transformation about idea cum radicalization to critic paradigm of Kantian approach. Furthermore I am interest to read about Ruth Leys (2000:279) concept in genealogy, according to his the concept of continuity – discontinuity is accidently because of defined in term of contingency, unpredictability, unsettling, or expectation or meanings. It is central crisis in history in post traumatic century.
He has a maintains that modern ethical thought attempt to deriving in the moral and obligation from modern of mankind as here conceived, however, politics including them, would conform exactly to dreams of the ideal on the rules. The law of logic are not a political art or ethics attitude. The persistently occurring ways in which humans conceive and perceive including sexual, desire, art and beauty, It is pure of thinking in the human ideas can be developing own self beyond the true that practice can attain. Do they guide us toward what ideally should occur? In ethics human being can respects to law which can be created.
Jürgen Habermas, read from Collin K, in the theory genealogy has get and clear on the depth problems of power in the modern reality (2013:225) he was sketching normative criteria, reconstruction can take forward – facing form at specified by pragmatism or anthropologist. Mac Carty `s argument that critical theory and genealogy together avoid shared transformation about idea cum radicalization to critic paradigm of Kantian approach. Furthermore I am interest to read about Ruth Leys (2000:279) concept in genealogy, according to his the concept of continuity – discontinuity is accidently because of defined in term of contingency, unpredictability, unsettling, or expectation or meanings. It is central crisis in history in post traumatic century.
The theory whose remembering for me about tracks for the research of deconstruction in post modernism from Derrida according to Norris, which made sense are intrinsically limited to reflection of Ethics just simple theory it is the accomplished, the constituted and the constructed (1982:51). Example, how morale has opened a new dimension of art and considering meta-ethics on other hand, so How meta-ethics in fact, be determined by characteristic of a specific art forms utility to society it is true that in the level of art utilities, moral has already arranged his knowledge clearly and structurally uses people to symbol the war or peace indeed.
But properly discontinuity methods in the Ethics theory might critics or something like this, about the permanent construction or constitution art with objectives determination. Some kind of the morale depends on the formal object of type of ethics itself. On the other side the application of some kind of method will bring the object formal which is fit with the method. I can not discover the screen of moral all by using a method that its can be discover the screen of truth of arts about interpretation both people and arts.
But properly discontinuity methods in the Ethics theory might critics or something like this, about the permanent construction or constitution art with objectives determination. Some kind of the morale depends on the formal object of type of ethics itself. On the other side the application of some kind of method will bring the object formal which is fit with the method. I can not discover the screen of moral all by using a method that its can be discover the screen of truth of arts about interpretation both people and arts.
The reality of art has different stages. The quality of truth does not only depend on the level and subject or human understanding such as sense perception or rational understanding but the quality of arts, also depends on the stage of the reality of the object material. The stage of the reality of the object material founded by level of reality from physical reality to become mithos and experience in the art, influenced of the stages of ethics knowledge consequences. The lower level of ethics brings the mind to discover the screen of the higher level of the art, the higher level of art scientific knowledge need the lower one as substratum.
This is my perspective pushes the consciousness to move the higher level or objectivity of arts to obtain the subjectivity arts in structure values in Epistemology. This discourse was then transformed into a hermeneutics perception about physics or metaphysics in arts. The transformation from discourse to three important implications: radical changes to the structure of arts and semiotic process in the hermeneutics discourse, the attribution of the text, script, sculpture etc., and the last the increasing role of written culture at the expense culture and ethics (1998:75).
This is my perspective pushes the consciousness to move the higher level or objectivity of arts to obtain the subjectivity arts in structure values in Epistemology. This discourse was then transformed into a hermeneutics perception about physics or metaphysics in arts. The transformation from discourse to three important implications: radical changes to the structure of arts and semiotic process in the hermeneutics discourse, the attribution of the text, script, sculpture etc., and the last the increasing role of written culture at the expense culture and ethics (1998:75).
In the light of these three levels, ignoring the successive processes of transmission and its transformation into an analytics, on the other hand, the role of discourse in the formation of the both makes it possible to be interpreted rationalization for recovery. Therefore, one as to consider these three levels especially the shift from the discourse to be confrontation at nine century arguments. In the former, particular attention has to be paid to the role of metaphor and semiotic structure discourses have to be taken into consideration in the process of interpretation. I admit that his approach, which he calls `anthropology of the past`, following the French scholars, Alphonse Dupront and Jacques Le Goff, is still in a state of formation, and still at the level of theory (1985: 43-44). However this theoretical concept, which incorporates linguistic and anthropological analysis has successfully implemented by three levels interpretation about : mind, imagination and intuition
Theory Genealogy and Architecture
According to Foucault, genealogy can be relationships among a set of distinct elements such as professional discourses, governmental institutions, administrative procedures, regulatory laws, legal concepts, architectural design and plan, scientific statement and moral proclamations. The Colloseum culture until now, it has a problems surrounding to doing capital city in Rome and politics have been discussed, getting connected in region policy so material characteristic have been not related because of the crisis to new Empirium culture that city into urban city as capitalism.
Sexual express to desire from society trough mechanisms of law, religion, politics, philosophy, rights, until love and fertility. Factors sexual rather had the building of Colloseum in this country would be growing. Sexual and modernity is made relation where sexuality had been primarily understood as natural genealogy in the constitution. According to Karl Marx, Sexuality primarily in term of Biologist within the domain from family or private discussed, but Malinowski (1929) had written on the sex lives of civilized westerners as phenomena would be leapt of consequences in spite of private the sexual after that opposition forms, parts of the public review between the culture and sexual determination.
Sexual express to desire from society trough mechanisms of law, religion, politics, philosophy, rights, until love and fertility. Factors sexual rather had the building of Colloseum in this country would be growing. Sexual and modernity is made relation where sexuality had been primarily understood as natural genealogy in the constitution. According to Karl Marx, Sexuality primarily in term of Biologist within the domain from family or private discussed, but Malinowski (1929) had written on the sex lives of civilized westerners as phenomena would be leapt of consequences in spite of private the sexual after that opposition forms, parts of the public review between the culture and sexual determination.
So Sexual in arts to understanding too became language, though and held of modernity. The background problems in the research are why the perception of Rome landscape has influence product of family history and philosophy in the most country. Example war and love romance, sexuality and the body on these sculpture. Culture, perception and sculpture can be see separate some one or army with more animal examples. The most years ago people in Rome or Italy never make of Colloseum to visiting of tourist, because sexual in my terminology was needs with surrounding to building to be private orientation, photos, honeymoon, etc.
Landscape (1986:148), in dictionary too defined as one whose profession is the functional or decoration alteration and planting of grounds, especially at or around a building architecture is deemed to be coherent measure of complex factories especially, art, economics , society, politics and policy of the government use blue print on the mapping city its largely an ambiguous indicator when it comes to measuring an artistic implicates of those policy of people life, traffic and safety as Rome. People living in culture society are often unable to ascertain exactly, modern, consumptive, how often does they spend on their time day by day. In view of this fact, landscape of art different to landscape capital city oriented.
I measure economic needs on the basic of landscape are presence of a variety of art consumption item or investor by tourist etc. Nevertheless I seem desire of sex and management to construction the landscapes should be come after desire reacts from many investor coming although willing to acquire the landscape on the history, were afraid to do, and lest they should be ruined investment later, if they have choose a something different in the landscape felt culture and heritages as near artifact. They have not leave among presence as home stay, kitchen symbols (traditional market likes cave, sea food, fast food, Mac Donald, Pizza Hut, Spagetty etc.) and wide lawn or apartment with higher than the landscape as hotel or market by public garage were built more the door in front of the landscape, they will not convert to choose them.
I measure economic needs on the basic of landscape are presence of a variety of art consumption item or investor by tourist etc. Nevertheless I seem desire of sex and management to construction the landscapes should be come after desire reacts from many investor coming although willing to acquire the landscape on the history, were afraid to do, and lest they should be ruined investment later, if they have choose a something different in the landscape felt culture and heritages as near artifact. They have not leave among presence as home stay, kitchen symbols (traditional market likes cave, sea food, fast food, Mac Donald, Pizza Hut, Spagetty etc.) and wide lawn or apartment with higher than the landscape as hotel or market by public garage were built more the door in front of the landscape, they will not convert to choose them.
Landscape of Colloseum in Rome, the concept of art on Genealogy and discontinuities the Meta - Historical perspective may be seen from each ideas in Philosophy and development, ethico- political, historical of the arts contexts in those they were brief about alternative in the archetypal and demonstrates to what extent was critical to rational discourse. It attempts to read
The chronologically by referring to his context which metahistorical perspective. The contexts is metaphysics where most important element of the architecture of Colloseum uncovering studies in the contexts not only does this factor provide of the objects into engineered but also an ethno architecture, it has the dialectical relationship between rational and irrational the circumstance that gave rise to it, but also serves as referent for later historian during their interpretation of the texts and contexts of building existence. Contexts is composed of text and the prefix con which literally means with the text, when I was discussing Genealogy from media for deconstruction, definition is the process of analyzing and revealing the historical relationships among truth, I seem knowledge and powers inside on.
The chronologically by referring to his context which metahistorical perspective. The contexts is metaphysics where most important element of the architecture of Colloseum uncovering studies in the contexts not only does this factor provide of the objects into engineered but also an ethno architecture, it has the dialectical relationship between rational and irrational the circumstance that gave rise to it, but also serves as referent for later historian during their interpretation of the texts and contexts of building existence. Contexts is composed of text and the prefix con which literally means with the text, when I was discussing Genealogy from media for deconstruction, definition is the process of analyzing and revealing the historical relationships among truth, I seem knowledge and powers inside on.
When we have a discussion about values this research from outside landscape of Colloseum to the concept of genealogy and discontinuities meta - historical perspective, I though the art unfortunately must be compromise by helplessness and a sharp pressure ethics from church oriented and interest about the legally practical construction and expand commodity from Europe investor foreigner equally and interpreting by critics and deconstructive.
Genealogy and sexology of Colloseum
I propose to study Landscape of Colloseum in Rome, the Concept of Art on Genealogy and Discontinuities Meta - Historical Perspective with thesis that is study a literary and ethnography disease culture and anticipate that as such it can be analyzed like any other practice a Philosophy. In order to show on what basis ethics and genealogical theory of an analytical study and methods to interpreting the structure levels of epistemology for art in Colloseum with photos and imagination to the new perspective by rational verses metaphysics might be considered as a literary text, and understandable people in Italy only reports and portrait.
The first part of a general discussion of the building in Colosseum and sculpture whether interpretation there. The second past discusses the literary interpretation of mythology starting from deconstruction by studying systematically graphics to revelation and the theory of interpretation about levels epistemology of arts. I look here at how it is applied to Colloseum still purity and original ethnicity and religious feeling as reflected in the myth oriented around modern models then in order to gauge the contribution and originality of this theory.
It comes to a close with a description of meta-historical perspective method of interpretation and his contribution to the modern approach now, critics and general though in the world. I was locus research in building of Colloseum especially Architecture technic and Philosophy. Chapter three and four its analysis of theory of interpretation about traditional values furthermore discusses systematically with architect theory of interpretation starting with theory of the Anthropology of building and sexology analyst who had attempts to analyze with scientific too which has to some extent been taken for granted until now. The most important contribution in this regard is its attempt to study his theory of interpretation using the general theory of interpretation history of Colloseum and public interpretation.
The first part of a general discussion of the building in Colosseum and sculpture whether interpretation there. The second past discusses the literary interpretation of mythology starting from deconstruction by studying systematically graphics to revelation and the theory of interpretation about levels epistemology of arts. I look here at how it is applied to Colloseum still purity and original ethnicity and religious feeling as reflected in the myth oriented around modern models then in order to gauge the contribution and originality of this theory.
It comes to a close with a description of meta-historical perspective method of interpretation and his contribution to the modern approach now, critics and general though in the world. I was locus research in building of Colloseum especially Architecture technic and Philosophy. Chapter three and four its analysis of theory of interpretation about traditional values furthermore discusses systematically with architect theory of interpretation starting with theory of the Anthropology of building and sexology analyst who had attempts to analyze with scientific too which has to some extent been taken for granted until now. The most important contribution in this regard is its attempt to study his theory of interpretation using the general theory of interpretation history of Colloseum and public interpretation.
In the fifth chapter I can discuss more deep about the response from people in Rome and their ideas especially the reasons and motifs behind these of the response constitute another contribution. This chapter I look contrary to the thesis of the new theory who argues that mythology is true or wrong problem fundamentally different that certain principles development in myth interpretation. And the sixth chapter this dissertation attempt to demonstrate that work of literature or investigation for more ethics aims that can be discontinuity and different methods to any approach. It is on the basis of this presupposition that proponents of literature more than interviews were increasingly turning the mind alignment or analyzing in ancient literatures and exciting ways.
Architectures whose adhere to the philosophy of arts to improve of Epistemology. The merely fact that provide models furthermore design, structure can be absolute data to be getting than meta – data. Philosophy always consider to designers must be a tool of realism which repeatedly permits us to rediscover our selves, and sustainable structure is in the place whom repeatedly from the structure from itself. During the last decades there has been a noticeable decline in the ideal of an architecture philosophy and art accompanied by an increasing critique on Colloseum building and industry sector in the urban area.
Architectures whose adhere to the philosophy of arts to improve of Epistemology. The merely fact that provide models furthermore design, structure can be absolute data to be getting than meta – data. Philosophy always consider to designers must be a tool of realism which repeatedly permits us to rediscover our selves, and sustainable structure is in the place whom repeatedly from the structure from itself. During the last decades there has been a noticeable decline in the ideal of an architecture philosophy and art accompanied by an increasing critique on Colloseum building and industry sector in the urban area.
The problems of deconstruction for Colloseum building models put in the last chapter five to be regulated are felt have become influence from Postmodernism or condition of people surrounds the building. Instead of developing an ethno – architects which merely the abstract values and aims are prescribed so new roman of philosophy. There are concrete research problems by means of which these objectives can be reached. Each creates can be reaction, building somewhat imperceptibly until modernism rush to poverty, slummy and not sign sweetness building or sustainable design.
I did not use word beautiful landscapes because beautiful impressed female orientation. At first sight, the condition of building ( Colloseum ) meets some of the objective raised by wrong designer in the city. According to Edmund Burke, society can be relationship by culture and nature, history and mythology. The building design began to change to responds technologies and new technologies, but the responsibility of the technology has not desired. We should leave intact to the theory of building technologies in the art of architectures but has been described history of gradually the philosophy of artistic the building.
I did not use word beautiful landscapes because beautiful impressed female orientation. At first sight, the condition of building ( Colloseum ) meets some of the objective raised by wrong designer in the city. According to Edmund Burke, society can be relationship by culture and nature, history and mythology. The building design began to change to responds technologies and new technologies, but the responsibility of the technology has not desired. We should leave intact to the theory of building technologies in the art of architectures but has been described history of gradually the philosophy of artistic the building.
Here history is understood as method, a series of logical techniques used to produce meaningful events, this is a second sight, the methodological trace produced by this investigation allow the perception of genealogy structures exiting in specific cases in contemporary architectural theory as like as Genealogy with Nietzsche perspective as strategy that demand close attention to historical trace and detail of moral development (2013: 324). However, it seem that these form of back to basics, ethnology although solving the gender problem generate another problem which is even more serious problems pertaining to classical social problem in crisis to industry of the country.
It was natural calling a genealogy of the group, community, history and culture. As seem the building of the Colloseum can be different to seeing churches building in Rome, my perspective more landscape outside in Colloseum example tower and hall. We are make aim models of the landscape as culture building found in peculiar property of the third world, but it has been created of the Philosophy about landscape and development eras by churches. The construction building or infrastructure more influenced from ritual practices, according to Kaufmann (2005:05) has defined as hide population arising when the elite prefers to hide from the population. Reduce of analysis population remote public service or urban culture situation used more decision making have been laid after whom had minimized population. This entails a cost to implement for developer obscured allocations from the population (Italo Pardo: 2004:54) this characterized betrayed of such trust, economics and fields of politics to transfer public to arts powers to the private sector especially is building and property.
You can see, more projects to roadways repairs from every moment. Architecture of Rome is very various because a lot of different styles have taken place through centuries and its details whether constitutes of the art has been variant between distance in one place and one place it has be deemed as unfair attempts to win favor in others. Philosophy of development artist make the people keen the landscape is happen nevertheless there have conduct to the government that should be , example: Colloseum has been made a number one of effects from other artifact in Rome, first. Political legitimacy and stability may be threatened. People may become morally and mentally alienated church with state. Alternatively, there are may be resentment by those excluded from receiving the beneficial result to building construction whose getting from artistic global.
In both cases political opposition may be mobilized to destabilize or overthrow from the regime, secondly. Philosophy of art, there is a negative effects on interpretative as the public is subsumed by individual an opposing views which a belief to that if the prevailing system is bad, then politics and god may be goals. It makes decision making which not predictable, given motivation to underpaid workers and enables elites group which called darkness so impact to public opinion.
In both cases political opposition may be mobilized to destabilize or overthrow from the regime, secondly. Philosophy of art, there is a negative effects on interpretative as the public is subsumed by individual an opposing views which a belief to that if the prevailing system is bad, then politics and god may be goals. It makes decision making which not predictable, given motivation to underpaid workers and enables elites group which called darkness so impact to public opinion.
The paradigm should be risk too from romantics resurgence Philosophy of architects relevance in capitalism and positivism approach, thus avoiding violence before political power especially emperor were legally under estimated but such a view overlooks the millions of dollars invest from `new mithos` had been risen to cooperate with government and church often grows public building without seem the people surrounding, always monopoly and must be incorporate a clear understanding of its causes these can broadly classified as follows:
1. The art and cultural factors, in the contexts of philosophy art term Rome where primary loyalties to religion especially catholic orthodox has provide than the other people with lower social levels as kinship and ethnicity there are may be preservation on officials to looks after the group`s. Also proactive from non churches society such as made principle and conduct may be carried from contemporary context to even through new Rome official, stress to impersonal values in line with the ideal-type the construction of the rights. The acknowledge is landscape of capacity that needs held disable function that culture and ethics, culture western, and culture heritages from history of imperial adopted in everywhere.
2. Socio legal factors, legal behavioral, legal community is based on the nature of man too, the physical condition of man as well as in the nature of legal behavior. All images man are emphasizing the rational side of man, but the women has not rational or emotional to decision often. The general dissatisfaction with the modern architecture and city planning whom rational (more from male perspective), sexual oriented and open widest market, real estate and public building that exiting urban city program.
3. Art of Urban issue. The constructions of the imagination from meta ethics, a stereotype that was fashioned than human right. Colloseum in this decade especially twentieth century are social entertainers by bourgeois and social entrepreneur to record they have insisted of environment reality surround their living be clear and beautiful. According to Rumiko, historian has perpetuated this myth dramatic caricature (2011:01), that remain embedded in document record. In fact, construction of Rome city has not dependent on ethics effects only but also from internal aspects for example landscape architecture, genealogy and Archaeology of the lands. In genealogy work (1967:216) claims, does not criticize a discourse for its lack of scientific grounding, its class distortions, or its self-professed in securities. Instead its truth and knowledge are rooted in its historical contexts. They are the manner in which a society searches to order and discipline own self. As before explain above the name projects is : `New Rome Architecture in Landscape of Colloseum, the Concept of Art on Genealogy and Discontinuities the Meta – Historical Artistics?
Landscape of Colloseum in Rome, the Concept of Art Genealogy and Discontinuities the Meta - Historical Perspective those ones that qualitative research category with quantitative support data in investigation. Variable one, landscape colloseum in Rome, where a strategy for the improvement in art infrastructure, its one that has involved out of a period of unprecedented artifact growth since the mid-20th century. In facts, architecture of Rome is very various because a lot of different styles have taken place through centuries nearly two thirds of the famous building in Rome : Pissa tower, The criptas and Catacumbs, the church of S. Nicola in carcere which has underground the rests of 3 temples of the ancient Rome that dates back to the Vi cen b. C, the Basilica of St. Clemente which has 3 levels; the upper church, XII cen, the ancient basil underground, VIII cen. and the "Mytraic school under the ancient basil, I cen. b.C.
They growth that has occurred in that time periods have been risen in different areas. The Second variable is concept genealogy and discontinuities metahistorical perspective, was methodology of research moving researcher good working analyze data and description. This variable is problems and method where researcher taken similarly. Genealogy is theory which researcher get result problems on the stressing to strategies motivation for that transmitted arts to the culture data and how resend theme data in ethnography and history argumentation. There are specific understanding about rule in the constitution and society as look as mythology in the mind. Philosophy of arts has recently ethics for stereotype of people in Rome decision became from.
They growth that has occurred in that time periods have been risen in different areas. The Second variable is concept genealogy and discontinuities metahistorical perspective, was methodology of research moving researcher good working analyze data and description. This variable is problems and method where researcher taken similarly. Genealogy is theory which researcher get result problems on the stressing to strategies motivation for that transmitted arts to the culture data and how resend theme data in ethnography and history argumentation. There are specific understanding about rule in the constitution and society as look as mythology in the mind. Philosophy of arts has recently ethics for stereotype of people in Rome decision became from.
This study employs a methodology commonly known as Ethnography. A technique of combining quantitative and qualitative methods as far as for merely combining these methods, as data I have used to extant sets of some kind variables was necessary in the survey about character of genealogies from the levels in room Colloseum landscapes. I nevertheless should be notes than out of more 100 respondents have been selected for focusing in this research, and until 30 to 50 sample location around the temple/building. The questionnaires ultimately have resolve the people of Rome about philosophy of construction and support by ethnographer who has became increasingly troublesome about different from needs.
While the result of the survey are descriptive, it provides only superficial information since about the pictures, photos samples being surveyed is provided. Therefore, I will do analyze the qualitative data obtained from open – ended interviews more five locates as different. I will be conducting to get more and deeply information from respondents divide two forms internal or external data. They are allowing to representing data sector majoring of the map includes are nature resources, good culture habit, internal , external and policy.
The Italian people may be using great relation and connection data with paper and online. This case study is a basic in information and evaluation by supervisor its overall system, via interviews with multiple players and conducts. It is difficult to drawn on objective analyzes but also subjective perceptions to back up or supplement a purely quantitative approach. Colloseum is the sample on art landscape to research genealogy and the part in portrait Rome of people surrounding this temple. I was choose as the location of interviews since it is a central people and culture heritages in new Roman perspective to which many people from various interpretation of the meaning to settle one perception, remain and interacts.
The Italian people may be using great relation and connection data with paper and online. This case study is a basic in information and evaluation by supervisor its overall system, via interviews with multiple players and conducts. It is difficult to drawn on objective analyzes but also subjective perceptions to back up or supplement a purely quantitative approach. Colloseum is the sample on art landscape to research genealogy and the part in portrait Rome of people surrounding this temple. I was choose as the location of interviews since it is a central people and culture heritages in new Roman perspective to which many people from various interpretation of the meaning to settle one perception, remain and interacts.
Before I was verification the data, I have collected many photos from landscape pictures and sculpture in the building, why, what and how about material interviews used in the form questionnaire too. Discuss to participant and literal investigation from line or books support, analysis data with statistic and many others. Anthropological seem appropriate to kind of data. More important to hope in methods of interpretation data applied to philosophy of art issues, and how it differs from an appropriates taken by research Landscape of Colloseum in Rome, the Concept of Art on Genealogy and Discontinuities the Meta - Historical Perspective.
First step, it makes observation literature, subject and object. Literature have been made clearing what related to theory and practice, The second step, I can be creating the mapping how are chronology influences have been gotten of the construction in the object, Colloseum. The research description with Ethnography model, it is research data and culture analysis composition from the observation, mapping group, culture data and interview at directly (investigation).
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